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Self-evaluating Pupil Premium strategies. By following the steps below for each area of focus, you can take an evidence-based approach to selecting.

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3 Self-evaluating Pupil Premium strategies. By following the steps below for each area of focus, you can take an evidence-based approach to selecting the most effective strategies to improve outcomes. What are the barriers to learning for disadvantaged pupils in your school? Only when all of the barriers are known and understood, can you begin the process of defining your outcomes, success criteria and the strategies which will help to overcome them. What are your desired outcomes for pupils? Ultimately, the impact of the school’s work should leadto improved attainment for disadvantaged pupils and gaps being closed. However, important outcomes which will lead to this might include: increasing rates of progress; improving attendance; reducing exclusions; improving family engagement; developing skills and personal qualities; extending opportunities; reducing NEETs. How will success be measured? For each desired outcome, schools should decide how success will be measured and set ambitious targets, as well as ensuring that school leaders and governors buy-in to the challenge of achieving them. Which strategies are effective and which aren’t? Focussing on the success criteria; you may wish to make improvements, decide what else needs to be done, or what needs to be done differently. It is also important for schools to create an audit trail on their website to demonstrate their commitment, and its impact, in improving outcomes.

4 Cost benefit ranking Focus Barriers to learning Desired outcomes Success criteriaChosen strategiesCost per pupilEvaluation of impact List in value for money order Indicate area of focus from codes below and provide further detail What are the barriers preventing progress. Provide pupil numbers and what is expected through this focus. Provide data or expected improvement in months/ grades. Include reference to expected improvement by reference to Education Endowment funding (EEF) and timescale if appropriate. Cost of the intervention divided by the number of pupils Include actual improvement as a result of the strategy referenced to success criteria and/or EEF. Exampl e 1A. Improving reading levels for disadvantage d pupils Disengagemen t and inability to relate to texts Improved pupil engagement and attainment Pupils will make better than expected progress over the 8 week intervention period Reading comprehension and peer tutoring for 10 pupils for 8 weeks £200 supply teacher x8 days £1600/2 (half days)=£800. £800/10 pupils = £80.00 per pupil EEF indicated 3 months progress, as a result of this strategy pupils made 4 months progress. 1-best value 2 3 4 5

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