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Time Dating and Components of Culture Lesson 1-1 The Early Ages – Era 1 The Beginnings of Human Society.

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Presentation on theme: "Time Dating and Components of Culture Lesson 1-1 The Early Ages – Era 1 The Beginnings of Human Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Dating and Components of Culture Lesson 1-1 The Early Ages – Era 1 The Beginnings of Human Society

2 Time Dating B.C. – events Before Christ B.C.E – events Before Common Era A.D. – events After Christ C.E. – events of the Common Era

3 Time Dating A century is 100 years. A decade is 10 years. Prehistoric or prehistory – a time before written records were kept (before 4000 BC) Historic or history – a point in time when history was written down (after 4000 BC)

4 Time Dating There is no year zero with time dating, so the year AD 1 immediately follows the year 1 BC. Traditionally, the time date B.C. follows the year. (ex: 1300 BC or 1300 B.C.) The time date A.D. precedes the date. (ex: A.D. 1300 or AD 1300)

5 Time Dating Circa is a Latin term which means “in approximately” It is sometimes abbreviated as “c” or “ca” –c 1300 BC – ca 1300 BC –circa 1300 BC When used in date ranges, a circa is applied before each approximate date, while dates without a circa immediately preceding them are generally assumed to be known with certainty.

6 Time Dating The Sumerians were the first known group to use a dating system beginning in c3400 BC. Later civilizations all had some form of time dating. The dating system we used today can be credited to the Romans and Julius Caesar.

7 Time Dating Finding out which year is in which century can be tricky. The easiest way to decide is to cover the last two numbers and add one. –1459 is in the 15 th century –1997 is in the _____ century –1776 is in the _____ century –1899 is in the _____ century

8 What is Culture? Culture can be defined as one’s way of life which includes a vast array of behaviors and beliefs.

9 What is Culture? Language – spoken communication –Most spoken: Chinese English Spanish Arabic Hindi (India) Portuguese

10 What is Culture? Common Values – values or beliefs held in high regard –The accepted practice of a community Respect Compassion Responsibility

11 What is Culture? Traditions – beliefs or customs handed down from one generation to the next –Holidays or celebrations –Marriages –Death

12 What is Culture? Government – a system used to make laws and decisions (to keep order) –Monarchy – absolute rule –Democracy –Republic –Theocracy

13 What is Culture? Art – decorative elements Literature – written communication Lifestyles – typical ways of life

14 What is Culture? Religion – belief system –Christianity –Islam –Judaism –Hinduism –Buddhism

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