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Classification of Organisms Chapter 17 Advanced Chapter 14 Standard.

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1 Classification of Organisms Chapter 17 Advanced Chapter 14 Standard

2 Classification System  Our modern day system of classification uses 8 levels Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Dumb King Phillip Came Over For Good Soup

3 Binomial Nomenclature ( Scientific Name)  Linnaeus created the modern day classification system.  Linnaeus used two words to describe each organism. This is called… Binomial Nomenclature Binomial Nomenclature

4 Binomial Nomenclature ( Scientific Name)  This system uses the Latin language We use Latin because it is a DEAD language We use Latin because it is a DEAD language Since it is dead it will no longer CHANGE Since it is dead it will no longer CHANGE Every country uses this system Every country uses this system (No matter what language they speak)  Scientist uses the GENUS and SPECIES

5 How to Write a Scientific Name  You must do three things when writing the scientific name for an organism CAPITALIZE THE GENUS CAPITALIZE THE GENUS lowercase for the species lowercase for the species Underline or italicize both Underline or italicize both  Examples: Homo sapian Homo sapian Staphlococcus aureus Staphlococcus aureus

6 Try These  Western box turtle Terrapene ornata  Human Homo sapian Homo sapian  Western hog-nosed snake Heterodon nasicus  Western pond turtle Clemmys marmorata Clemmys marmorata  Western rattlesnake crotalus viridis  Western ribbon snake Thamnophis proximus  Wood turtle Clemmys insculpta  Yellow mud turtle Kinosternon flavescens

7  Aristotle divided ALL living things into two kingdoms Plants or Animals Plants or Animals  Our modern day classification system uses 6 Kingdoms Archeabacteria – Old Bacteria (Domain Archaea) Archeabacteria – Old Bacteria (Domain Archaea) Eubacteria – New Bacteria (Domain Bacteria) Eubacteria – New Bacteria (Domain Bacteria) Plantae – Plants (Domain Eukarya) Plantae – Plants (Domain Eukarya) Animalia – Animals Animalia – Animals Protista – Protist Protista – Protist Fungi – Yeast, Mushrooms Fungi – Yeast, Mushrooms

8 Features Used to Classify Cell Type Cell Number Nutrition Cell Structure

9  Cell Type  Prokaryotic cells – No organelles or nucleus.  Eukaryotic cells – Ha s organelles and a nucleus.  Cell Number  Unicellular – Organism is made of only one cell.  Multicellular – Organism is made of more than one cell.  Nutrition  Autotrophic – Latin word meaning – Self feeding.  Heterotrophic= Latin word meaning other-feeding. Hetero= other & Trophic= feeding.  Cell Structure – Presence or absence of a Cell Wall (support structure around the cell)

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