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Solve Inequalities (pg. 244-245) Objective: TBAT solve inequalities by using the Addition and Subtraction Properties of Inequality.

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Presentation on theme: "Solve Inequalities (pg. 244-245) Objective: TBAT solve inequalities by using the Addition and Subtraction Properties of Inequality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solve Inequalities (pg. 244-245) Objective: TBAT solve inequalities by using the Addition and Subtraction Properties of Inequality.

2 Solve Inequalities (pg. 244-245) Inequality: a mathematical sentence that compares quantities. When you add or subtract the same number from each side of an inequality, the inequality remains true. 2 < 4 +3 +3 5 < 7

3 Solve Inequalities (pg. 244-245) Solve: 1) x + 3 > 10 2) -6 ≥ n - 5 1)x > 7 2) -1 ≥ n or n ≤ -1

4 Solve Inequalities (pg. 244-245) Graph solution set on a number line. When graphing inequalities, an open dot is used when values are NOT included in the solution; A closed dot means the value IS included in the solution; ≤ and ≥

5 Solve Inequalities (pg. 249-250) Solve inequalities by using the Multiplication and Division Properties of Inequality, Positive Number When you multiply or divide each side of an inequality by a positive number, the inequality remains true. Ex: 8x ≤ 40

6 Solve Inequalities (pg. 249-250) Solve inequalities by using the Multiplication and Division Properties of Inequality, Negative Number When you multiply or divide each side of an inequality by a negative number, the inequality symbol must be reversed for the inequality to remain true. ex: c and d pg. 250

7 Solve Multi-Step Inequalities (pg.251) Some inequalities involve more than one operation. To solve the inequality, work backward to undo the operations, just as with multi-step equations. 1.Write the inequality 2.Undo the addition or subtraction 3.Undo the multiplication or division (example on pg. 251)

8 Pg. 252 2-28 even numbers

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