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Barbara Romanowicz1, Aimin Cao2, M. Panning3, F

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1 Seismic waveform inversion at the regional scale: application to southeastAsia
Barbara Romanowicz1, Aimin Cao2, M.Panning3, F. Marone4 ,Yann Capdeville5, Laurent Stehly1 and Paul Cupillard1 1Univ. of California, Berkeley 2Rice Univ. 3Princeton U. 4P. Scherrer Institute,Switz.erland 5 Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris, France

2 I- Background: In the context of global S velocity, long period tomography

3 Standard tomographic ingredients:
Parametric data Body wave travel times well separated phases Ray theory or, more recently finite frequency (“Banana-doughnut”) kernels Surface waves Group/phase velocities Path average approximation (PAVA)


5 Waveform Tomography observed synthetic
Need framwork for computation of 3D synthetics (2) Framework needs to be appropriate for body waves

6 Waveform Inversion Methodology:
Non-linear Asymptotic Coupling Theory (NACT); 3 component waveforms extension to anisotropic inversion iterative inversion for elastic and anelastic structure SS Sdiff PAVA NACT

7 Elastic structure- SAW24B16 (SH) Anelastic structure QRLW8
Mégnin and Romanowicz, 2000 Gung and Romanowicz, 2004

8 II. Beyond PAVA and NACT (in the context of normal mode summation)

9 Born approximation: Single scattering Integration over the Whole sphere S R M PAVA approximation (1D in the Vertical plane) NACT (2D in the vertical plane) Both include multiple forward scattering

10 “N-BORN“ Application to South East Asia
Add PAVA term (multiple forward scattering) into BORN. Application to South East Asia Comparison of NACT and N-Born inversion

11 Spherical spline parametrization Starting NACT radially aniso-
tropic model Level 4 Splines l~800km Level 6 Splines l~200km Red: NACT region Blue: NBORN region

12 We include both fundamental mode and overtone waveforms
By including overtones, we improve depth resolution into the transition zone after Ritsema et al, 2004

13 Isotropic S velocity NACT NBORN 80km 150km 250 km


15 NACT A B A B Friederich, 2003 NBORN A B

16 NACT NBORN Vs Radial anisotropy: x

17 III. Beyond N-Born: Towards numerical methods

18 Waveform Tomography observed synthetic
Normal mode perturbation theory (generally to 1st order) (2) Numerical methods (e.g. SEM)

19 “Hybrid” Approach u(m) ∂u(m)/ ∂m
Use coupled spectral element method of Capdeville et al. (2002) to accurately forward model wave propagation through a 3D medium. Use NACT, with the hope that the derivatives are the correct sign. Much faster than cSEM! NACT NACT accounts for coupling between modes that do not share the same radial order. In terms of traveling waves, this practice is equivalent to considering not only average structure, but also variations in material properties within the plane defined by the great circle path joining source and receiver. Even when we’re passing straight through, we don’t capture full effects without focusing. First order perturbation theory requires that the perturbations be small… We do better than other groups because we have the non-linear e(iwt) term which does not grow with time, allowing us to do a better job at late times (born theory is short-time approximation in some way). We also do not update kernels, which means that we assume the perturbations do not affect eigenfunctions non-linearly (we know this is false, Federica and Mark’s crustal corrections). For eigenfrequencies, Adam showed that linearization is fine. G1= Normal modes in 1D G2 = Spectral element method Li and Romanowicz, 1995 Capdeville et al., 2002

20 Preliminary “Level 4” radially anisotropic upper mantle model
Obtained using SEM, starting from 1D model – courtesy of Ved Lekic

21 IV-exploratory: summed event inversion
SEM is accurate but very time consuming: the wavefield computation for a single event can take a couple of hours (depending on the computer and the maximum frequency, and distance) not very practical for tomography Can we speed up the computation by computing SEM synthetics for many events simultaneously (e.g. Capdeville et al., 2005, GJI)?

22 Summed seismogram inversion
Start with N-Born model Restrict study to smaller region Collect a dataset of waveforms in the distance range 4 to 40 degrees (~100 events) period range sec Data: summed waveforms for all events at one or a subset of stations Synthetics: RegSEM for summed events in the N-Born model


24 XAN Summed seismograms at station XAN
Time (seconds) Black: observed trace (filtered between 60 and 250 s) Red: RegSEM synthetic in the 3D N-Born starting model

25 NBorn starting model Inversion usingRegSEM – Individual seismograms

26 “Summed seismogram” inversion
“Individual seismogram” inversion

27 Current developments:
larger dataset, Extended tests -progressively reach shorter periods and higher resolution

28 Thank You!


30 Seismic tomography dd = A dm mi+1 = mi + dm dd = u(t)obs- u(t)pred
- Linearized inverse problem: dd = A dm Step 1: forward mi+1 = mi + dm dd = u(t)obs- u(t)pred A: Fréchet Derivatives Wave propagation theory

31 Seismic tomography dd = A dm mi+1 = mi + dm dd = u(t)obs- u(t)pred
- Linearized inverse problem: Step 2: inverse dd = A dm Step 1: forward mi+1 = mi + dm dd = u(t)obs- u(t)pred A: Fréchet Derivatives Wave propagation theory

32 Surface wave tomography
P-wavespeed S-wavespeed Surface wave tomography (Lebedev et al., 2006) PRI-P05 (Montelli et al.) MIT-P06 (Li et al.) Courtesy of Rob van der Hilst


34 NBORN model predictions: NBORN/NACT
Residual variance Damping Factor

35 Marone and Romanowicz, 2007

36 Radial anisotropy Gung et al., Nature, 2003

37 AB CD Hawaii Pacific Superplume

38 Ritzwoller and Shapiro, 2002 Kustowski et al. 2007 NACT NBORN

39 Level 6 Spherical splines (preliminary) Version cargese

40 Panning et al., 2008

41 Panning et al., 2007

42 N-Born inversion 152 events One iteration only
Starting model: 3D “NACT” model Forward model: N-BORN Partial derivatives: BORN (Capdeville,2006) Elastic and radially aniosotropic structure

43 Upper mantle:Q - lower mantle: Vsh
Degree 2 only

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