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Wordly Wise 3 Lesson 1. affection Noun a fond or tender feeling.

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Presentation on theme: "Wordly Wise 3 Lesson 1. affection Noun a fond or tender feeling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wordly Wise 3 Lesson 1

2 affection

3 Noun a fond or tender feeling

4 appeal

5 Verb to make an earnest request; to ask Noun an earnest request for help Please?

6 clasp

7 Verb to grasp or hold tightly Noun 1. a strong grasp or hold 2. something, as a hook or fastener, that holds two parts together.

8 conspicuous

9 Adjective easily or plainly seen

10 contribute

11 Verb 1. to give along with others who are giving 2. to have apart in bringing about

12 declare

13 Verb to make known; to state openly

14 Eloquent

15 Adjective skilled at speaking or writing; have the power to move people

16 exhibit

17 Verb to show in public Noun an item or collection of items in a public show

18 ferry

19 Verb to move people or goods by boat across a stretch of water Noun a boat that carries people and goods back and forth across a stretch of water

20 immigrant

21 Noun a person who comes into a country to live there

22 lofty

23 Adjective 1.Very tall or high. 2.Noble in feeling or high in ideals 3.Showing a too-proud or superior attitude

24 pedestal

25 Noun a base or support on which something stands

26 persecute

27 Verb to treat cruelly or harshly because of political, religious, or other differences

28 poverty

29 Noun the state of being poor

30 unveil

31 Verb 1. to remove a covering from 2. to make known or reveal for the first time

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