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Do Now 1.Sit in your regular seats. 2.Get your folders 3.Put all materials in your folders Open your binders to the reading & writing section 4.Sit quietly.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 1.Sit in your regular seats. 2.Get your folders 3.Put all materials in your folders Open your binders to the reading & writing section 4.Sit quietly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now 1.Sit in your regular seats. 2.Get your folders 3.Put all materials in your folders Open your binders to the reading & writing section 4.Sit quietly & wait for instructions

2 Agenda 1.Mini-Lesson: Imagery & Suspense 2.The Monkey’s Paw Short Story Assignment *This will take two days to complete Objective 1. You will be able to identify imagery & suspense in a short story.

3 Imagery Imagery is the use of vivid descriptions to create pictures, or images, in the readers mind.

4 Evoking the 5 Senses Imagery can give the reader an impression of any of the 5 senses. 1. See 2. Hear 3. Smell 4. Taste 5. Touch

5 Suspense: That Glued-to-Your Seat Feeling That “what’s going to happen next? Feeling—the curiosity, or even anxiety, that a good story makes us feel—is called suspense. It’s suspense that keeps us glued to our seats in a theater. It’s suspense that keep us turning the pages of a book long into the night.

6 Suspense: is the uncertainty or anxiety that a reader feels about what will happen next in a story.

7 Double Sided Journal Entries


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