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Museum Entrance Dessert Holidays Games Clothes Welcome to the Museum of Australia Curator’s Offices.

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Presentation on theme: "Museum Entrance Dessert Holidays Games Clothes Welcome to the Museum of Australia Curator’s Offices."— Presentation transcript:

1 Museum Entrance Dessert Holidays Games Clothes Welcome to the Museum of Australia Curator’s Offices

2 Curator’s Office I am currently a Junior here at ESU working towards a major in Elementary Education. I am the oldest of two children in my family and enjoy spending time with friends just hanging out and having fun. My future goal in life is to become some sort of an administrator and to be a coach in the school district. Caleb Critchfield Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Dr. Christy Keeler. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.Keith Valley Middle SchoolDr. Christy KeelerEducational Virtual Museums Return to Entry

3 Room 1 Return to Entry Different Foods

4 Room 2 Return to EntryHolidays

5 Room 3 Return to Entry Fashion in Australia

6 Room 4 Return to EntrySports

7 Pavolova Australia has a variety of food ranging from shrimp to pasta to meat to desserts. This particular picture is a from of dessert that is the best out of all of the desserts that Australia has to offer. It is made from eggs and all kinds of things. Here is one of the recipes. RecipeRecipe dfbd Return to Exhibit Dessert

8 ‘Land Down Under’ June 8th to allow a break before winter, is the Queen's Birthday. January 26, Australia Day. Australia Day commemorates the first British settlement in Australia, in 1788. One holiday in Australia celebrated both by Australian's, and their New Zealand neighbors alike is ANZAC Day, on April 25. ANZAC Day honors those who have died in wars, and most specifically troops who died fighting during the first World War. ANZAC stands for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, and travelers will find parades and ceremonies memorializing the Army Corps in most of Australia's major cities. Return to Exhibit Holidays

9 Clothes Fashion in Australia is fairly similar to that of the fashion here in the U.S. It has its dressy people and it has its relaxed and laid back people that wear shorts and a t shirt. Some people wear high socks (mostly women) whereas the majority of people wear short socks with tennis shoes or sandals depending on the weather. Return to Exhibit Fashion

10 Home Free? Rugby is the sport that people live and die for in Australia. Both men and women eat, sleep, and breathe for rugby. Soccer and the other sports are popular as well but rugby easily overshadows all other sports. Return to Exhibit Rugby

11 Australia!!!! Following Federation as a new nation (the Commonwealth of Australia) on 1st January, 1901 the Commonwealth Government announced a Federal Flag design competition on 29th April, 1901. The whole story… Return to Exhibit Australian Flag

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