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Gas Roads & GTE Colin Hamilton (European Policy) 2 nd July 2009.

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1 Gas Roads & GTE Colin Hamilton (European Policy) 2 nd July 2009

2 2 Gas Roads & GTE  Transparency and the 3 rd Package  Commission’s proposed Annex  GTE to ENTSOG  Gas Roads – the “Transparency Platform”

3 3 What is the 3 rd Package?  Intention is to help further facilitate fully liberalised European gas and electricity markets and force the current wide regional differences to converge towards a single market.  Transmission Network Unbundling is a key element - three models considered  Also, the formation of formal European Transporter bodies, ENTSO-G and ENTSO-E  The creation of a formal body of regulators, known as ACER  Both will be involved in the development of European Network Codes  3 rd Package approved 25 th June 2009  Published in Official Journal - August 2009  Enters into force 20 days later  Documents found via –

4 4 Transparency and the 3 rd Package  2 nd Package (EC 1775/2005) focussed on access  Publication of technical, sold and available capacity  Transparent, objective and non-discriminatory tariffs  3 rd Package requires publication of supply/demand information  Ex-ante & ex-post based on nominations, forecasts and realised flows  TSOs developing common understanding of what should be published to meet new obligations  National Grid doing “gap analysis” – may result in UNC Mods being raised

5 5 Commission's Proposed Annex  Proposed amendment to Annex 3 (Transparency) to Regulation  Aim to put through comitology (September 2009)  Greatly extends transparency requirements – “Relevant points” extended to virtually every point – Gas quality parameters and pressure requirements for each relevant point – Daily linepack forecasts – Historic data published – extended to 5 years

6 6 GTE to ENTSOG  Gas Transmission Europe (GTE) part of association of gas infrastructure operators (GIE, Gas Infrastructure Europe)  GIE has 3 columns: transmission, storage and LNG  Under 3 rd Package GTE will become the European Network of Transport System Operators (Gas), ENTSOG Link =

7 7 GTE to ENTSOG  Duties of ENTSOG include:  Common network operation tools and research plans  10-year network development plan  Annual work programme  Annual report  Annual summer and winter supply outlooks  Technical and market codes (European Network Codes) – Will involve stakeholder consultation – May result in UNC Mod proposals

8 8 Gas Roads – the “Transparency Platform”  Consultation with stakeholders identified need for gas transport information in single place  GTE+ Transparency platform was proposed solution  Aligns with current EU Regulation 1775/2005 and anticipates 3 rd package  Publication of technical information necessary for Users to gain effective network access  User-friendly standardized manner

9 9 Gas Roads – the “Transparency Platform”  Phase 1 launched November 2008   Capacity & Tariff information  Capacity “route planner”  Information from 27 TSOs  Phase 2 from Q2 2009 onwards  Nominations, allocations  Balancing  Interruption

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