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Algebra 1. Don’t worry about #2.

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1 Algebra 1








9 Don’t worry about #2





14 Rational numbers: any real number that can be written as a fraction Irrational numbers: any real number that cannot be written as a fraction; it is infinite and non-repeating. Function: a relationship between two variables in which each x- value has exactly one y-value. Integers: whole numbers and their opposites. Non- linear: an equation where x is raised to a power other than 1. y-intercept: constant, initial value. Inequality: a problem involving two variables, relating them using ≥, >, <, ≤ symbols. Real numbers: both rational and irrational numbers. Inverse operations: operations that undo each other. Reciprocal: when you flip the numerator and the denominator. Order of operations: rules established to evaluate an expression involving more than one operation. Slope: rate of change.

15 Linear: an equation with a slope and a y-intercept where the variable x, is to the 1st power. Domain: the input or x-values of a relation. Range: the output or y-values of a relation. Slope intercept form : y=mx+b Outlier: point that does not fit with the rest of the data. System of equations: a set of two or more equations that contain two or more of the same variables. Like terms: terms that have the same variable raised to the same exponent. Variable: a symbol used to represent a quantity that can be changed. Line of best fit: a line that comes closest to the points on the scatter plot. Scatter plot: a graph with points plotted to show a possible relationship between two sets of data.

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