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Welcome to Proposal Designs for Human Services Unit 4 Seminar

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1 Welcome to Proposal Designs for Human Services Unit 4 Seminar
Dr. Bradley

2 Outline for Unit 4 Seminar
Goals Objectives-Examples of Measurable Objectives Hands On Activity Building Partnerships/Collaborations in the Community

3 Goals Goals: Goal of agency is similar to mission statement, but discusses overall purpose for organization’s existence-Example: Improve education system in the community Should also have goals associated with the projects you write your proposals for Programs should always be designed related to a problem that exists!!

4 Objectives Objectives: Outcomes that can be expected from the project
Need to be able to be measured-Something like “Participants will feel happier at the end of the program” is not measurable-But we can make something like this measurable. How? Remember the goals and objectives of your program should be in line with the goals and objectives that the funder has identified

5 Examples of Measurable Objectives (p. 166-167 in textbook)
Objective 1: Improved Behavior. By the end of the first six months of the project, participants in the after-school basketball project will demonstrate improved behavior in school as a result of project requirements and activities, as measured by incident reports and teacher observations before the league started and six months later. Objective 2: Reduction in Violent Incidents. By the end of the basketball project, participants will demonstrate a 50 percent decrease in violent incidents as measured by school incident reports. Objective 3: Improved School Attendance. By the end of the basketball project, participants will have a 40 percent better school attendance record than students who did not participate in project activities.

6 Hands On Activity Choose one of the programs that the agency you are using for your final project offers Write at least 2 measurable objectives We will share these objectives with the class and give each other feedback

7 Building Partnerships/Collaborations in the Community
Important to find other professionals/organizations to partner with when looking at writing a grant proposal that calls for community collaboration Different agencies will have different points of view about something and may bring new and exciting ideas Idea is to work with others and share funding-Different agencies may get different amounts of money depending on what role they play Doesn’t always make sense to collaborate depending on what the project is, but it can be useful at times and is necessary if grant calls for it

8 Building Partnerships/Collaborations in the Community (cont.)
Often if funders are asking for proposals related to agencies collaborating, they are looking to help a problem that can’t be completely served through one agency-Example: Decreasing childhood asthma Regardless of applying for grant money together, agencies should work more closely to determine if they are replicating services, if all of the needs for a particular problem are being filled, etc. Should approach other agencies to have open conversations about how best to help the population you are working with

9 Building Partnerships/Collaborations in the Community (cont.)
Example on this slide and next of how NAMI Delaware applied for a grant for themselves, but partnered with local schools, organizations, etc.: NAMI Delaware recognizes the importance of making school personnel and families aware of OCD in children in order to promote early detection and treatment of this disorder. As a result, the organization has partnered with the elementary schools in the Red Clay School District in Delaware to provide education about OCD in children to administrators, teachers, and counselors. Ultimately, NAMI Delaware is interested in expanding the project beyond the Red Clay School District to other interested elementary school districts throughout the state of Delaware. Ideally, the information will reach all of the elementary schools in the state so that all children in Delaware can have a positive outcome regardless of this disorder.

10 Building Partnerships/Collaborations in the Community (cont.)
In addition to this, NAMI Delaware is also interested in doing outreach to the minority business communities, hospitals, religious institutions, and colleges in New Castle County. These efforts are intended to increase awareness of NAMI Delaware, mental health resources, and the impact of mental illness on individuals in minority communities. One component of the outreach that NAMI Delaware would like to do is to administer informational packets and pamphlets on mental health in both English and Spanish to physicians, veterans, police officers, and churches in New Castle County. This effort will assist professionals, especially healthcare professionals, with being more aware of the impact of mental illness on minorities.

11 Building Partnerships/Collaborations in the Community (cont.)
On page 184 of the book, the authors state “Collaboration must become a way of life, a natural response, not just a grant response.” What does this statement mean to people? 

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