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Scramble for Africa!! Everyone wants a piece.. The Scramble for Africa 1800’s – Africa contained 700+ ethnic groups with their own language and customs.

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Presentation on theme: "Scramble for Africa!! Everyone wants a piece.. The Scramble for Africa 1800’s – Africa contained 700+ ethnic groups with their own language and customs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scramble for Africa!! Everyone wants a piece.

2 The Scramble for Africa 1800’s – Africa contained 700+ ethnic groups with their own language and customs. Europeans had little knowledge of Africa except for the coastal regions.

3 Africans had traded for centuries with Europeans and did not foresee the changes that were to come with the: Industrial Revolution and Imperialism.

4 1871 – Henry Stanley locates Dr. Livingstone; resulting publicity generates interest in Africa; explorers find resources.

5 Henry Stanley with Dr. Livingstone

6 1880 – Scramble for Africa begins with Belgium claiming the Congo river valley as a colony

7 1885 – Fierce competition led to the Berlin Conference to prevent possible war. Fourteen European nations agreed to divide the African continent. No African leader attended the meeting even though it sealed Africa’s fate.

8 Berlin Conference, 1885


10 1914 – European nations controlled 90% of the continent. Only 2 countries remained free: Liberia – allied with the US Ethiopia – strong king

11 Effects of Imperialism: 1. Exploited the economic resources. (improved transportation and communication) 2. Taught to reject African customs – “European ways were the best”. (improved education)

12 3. Established boundaries that were not “natural for Africa”. a. divided ethnic groups b. merged rival ethnic groups c. created landlocked countries and put many at an economic disadvantage

13 1957-1990 – African nations gained independence from Europe slowly and with much difficulty. Today African countries are trying to “catch up” to the Western world in a very short amount of time!

14 Key: Independent British French German Italian Portuguese Belgian Spanish


16 Activites! Level 1 – Reading Study Guide pg. 257-260. Complete by yourself. Level 2 – Label and color your third Africa Map with the different colonial powers. Pg. 655 in text under desk. Level 3 – Scramble for Africa reading questions. Pg. 654 - 660 Level 4 – Counterfactual/manipulative writing assignment. EXTRA QUIZ GRADE.

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