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Legal Terms Chapter 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Legal Terms Chapter 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legal Terms Chapter 4

2 Civil Law vs. Criminal Law
Focus on legal relationships Protection of a person’s rights Criminal Law Wrongs against a person, property, or society Act is a misdemeanor or felony

3 Malpractice Failure of a professional to use the degree of skilled learned Results in injury, loss / damage to the person Ex = failure to administer a tetanus shot

4 Negligence Failure to give care that is expected
Ex = Pt. falls out of bed because side rails are left down

5 Assault / Battery Assault Battery Threat or attempt to injure
Unlawful touching of another person without consent (usually violent)

6 Invasion of Privacy Releasing personal information about a pt. without consent Unnecessarily exposing a person

7 False Imprisonment Restraining an individual (with no justification)
Restricting an individual’s freedom

8 Abuse Any care that results in physical harm, pain, or mental anguish
4 Types Physical Verbal Psychological (Mental) Sexual

9 Defamation False statements that damage a person’s reputation 2 Types
Slander (Spoken) Libel (Written)

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