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 saved more than 5,000 Jews in Hungary  He helped approximately 2,000 to 4,000 anti- Nazi and Jewish refugees to escape Nazi Germany and the Holocaust.

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3  saved more than 5,000 Jews in Hungary

4  He helped approximately 2,000 to 4,000 anti- Nazi and Jewish refugees to escape Nazi Germany and the Holocaust.

5  Foley "bent the rules" and helped thousands of Jewish families escape from Nazi Germany after Kristallnacht

6  despite instructions from his government issued a visa to enter Portugal, about 30 000 persons

7  saved 669 mostly Jewish children from the danger of Czechoslovakia

8  Luiz Martins de Souza Dantas  Aristides Sousa Mendes  Carl Lutz  Zofia Kossak-Szczucka  Necdet Kent  Jan Karski  Wilm Hosenfeld  Paul Grüninger  Albert Göring  Hiram Bingham IV  Jacob Bernadout  Władysław Bartoszewski  Per Anger

9 This presentation was made by Markéta Husáková

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