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Puberty and Body Changes Year 7

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Presentation on theme: "Puberty and Body Changes Year 7"— Presentation transcript:

1 Puberty and Body Changes Year 7

2 What do you already know?
True/False activity as a card sort or continuum.

3 Female Sex Organs Have a go at labelling up the diagrams: Labia Minora
Fallopian tubes Anus Vaginal Opening Uterus Vagina Urethra Rectum Labia majora Cervix Ovary Bladder Clitoris Ask students to check their understanding of female anatomy using the sheet provided.

4 Answers 1 = urethra 2 = Labia Majora 3 = Clitoris 4 = Labia Minora 5 = Vaginal opening 6 = Anus a = Uterus b = Bladder c = Vagina d = Fallopian Tubes e = Ovary f = Cervix g = Rectum h = Anus

5 Watch the film clip. What has happened to the girl in the film? How did she react? How could the experience have been different for her?

6 When a girl goes through puberty one of the changes that occurs is that she will begin to have periods. This is the female body’s way of preparing to reproduce A woman’s reproductive system works on a 28 day cycle This cycle is known as the menstrual cycle The menstrual cycle consists of a number of stages

7 Day 1 – 7 The menstruation cycle starts with the first day of a woman’s period. This is the name given to the time of the month when the lining of the uterus comes away and exits through the vagina as blood.

8 Days 7 - 13 Day 7 - 13 Around day 7 the blood flow stops.
The lining of the uterus begins to build up again. At this time an egg starts to mature in one of the ovaries

9 (The middle of the cycle)
Day 14 (The middle of the cycle) On the 14th day which is the middle of the cycle, an egg is released by an ovary into the oviduct.

10 Day The egg can last up to 3 days after it is released from the ovary. During this time the egg travels down the oviduct and into the uterus hoping to be fertilised.

11 Day If the egg is not fertilised then the lining of the uterus begins to break down.

12 The cycle starts over again...
Day 1 – 7 The cycle starts over again expelling the lining of the uterus and the egg. Remember this is known as a period or menstruation.

13 Now try to put the stages in order for yourself…

14 Dealing with Periods What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method? Girls and women need to decide for themselves what method of sanitary protection suits them best – sanitary towels, which are stuck into a girl’s underwear or tampons, which are inserted into the vagina. Sanitary protection should be changed regularly and women should observe scrupulous personal hygiene. Watch the short film clip to explain how sanitary pads can be used. Similar film clips for tampons can be found.

15 Plenary With a talking partner, briefly explain how the menstrual cycle works and discuss together any further questions that you might have… Why is it equally important for boys and girls to understand menstruation? Answer any outstanding questions and highlight further sources of support and help for young people.

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