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Teaching the Writing Process. n Students learn to use the writing process as they write compositions in literature focus units and theme cycles and as.

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1 Teaching the Writing Process

2 n Students learn to use the writing process as they write compositions in literature focus units and theme cycles and as they participate in writing workshop.

3 Teaching the Writing Process n Learning to use the writing process is more important than any particular writing projects students might be involved in because the writing process is a tool. n Students need many opportunities to learn to use the writing process.

4 Teaching the Writing Process n Teachers u Model the writing process by writing class collaborations u Teach minilessons on the procedures, concepts, and strategies and skills that writers use

5 Teaching the Writing Process n One way to teach the writing process is to write a collaborative or group composition. n Teacher models and provides opportunities for students to practice. n Teacher demonstrates the strategies writers use and clarifies misconceptions during group composition. n Students offer ideas and suggestions.

6 Steps in Collaborative / Group Composition n Teacher introduces idea of writing a group composition and reviewing project n Students dictate a rough draft n Teacher records on board or chart paper n Teacher notes any misunderstandings, reviews, and offers suggestions

7 Steps in Collaborative / Group Composition n Teacher and students read the composition and identify ways to revise n Students proofread, checking for mechanical errors, etc. n Teacher or student copies composition onto chart paper or sheet of notebook paper n Copies may be given to students n During this time teachers may teach minilessons

8 In Literature Focus Units n Students may use the writing process as they create projects during the applying stage of the reading process

9 In Writing Workshop n A 60-90 minute period is scheduled each day for u Writing – students spend 30-45 minutes on writing independently – moving through all five stages of writing process u Sharing – students gather to share their new publications with class or make related announcements

10 In Writing Workshop n Teaching minilessons – during a 15-30 minute period, teachers provide minilessons on n Writing workshop procedures n Literary concepts n Writing skills and strategies n Authors of children’s trade books and writing skills and strategies the authors use n At times, teachers may read literature aloud to share examples of good writing

11 In Theme Cycles n Teachers often plan writing projects in connection with theme cycles. – interdisciplinary units that integrate language arts with social studies, science, math, and other curricular areas. n Topics are broad.

12 In Theme Cycles n Language arts activities u Reading F Students read informational material / research related to theme u Keeping learning logs F Students write entries, record new words, make charts/diagrams about new concepts they are learning

13 In Theme Cycles u Making visual representations F Students create maps, clusters, time lines, data charts, Venn diagrams, etc. u Creating projects F Examples are alphabet books, oral reports, posters, and dramatizations

14 Meeting the Needs of Every Student n Teachers adapt writing activities to make writing a successful experience. n Stages of prewriting, drafting, and publishing may be used for young children and for students with few successful writing experiences. n How Teachers Adapt – p. 149

15 Responding to Student Writing n In addition to evaluations of the writing, teachers should read students’ writing for information and enjoyment n Not all student writing needs to be assessed

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