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Examples of the First 6 Keys! Integrity, Failure Leads to Success, This Is It, Speak with Good Purpose, Commitment, Ownership.

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Presentation on theme: "Examples of the First 6 Keys! Integrity, Failure Leads to Success, This Is It, Speak with Good Purpose, Commitment, Ownership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Examples of the First 6 Keys! Integrity, Failure Leads to Success, This Is It, Speak with Good Purpose, Commitment, Ownership

2 Student Examples The following are examples provided by teachers of what they have seen demonstrated by students over the last 3 months!

3 Integrity: Match behaviors with values Kindergarten ◦ We work independently at literacy stations at a quiet voice level. First and Second Grade ◦ When there is a substitute teacher, we always follow the 3 B’s. Third and Fourth Grade ◦ We help to keep our classrooms clean. Fifth and Sixth Grade ◦ Followed the 3 B’s during parent visitation

4 Failure Leads to Success: Learn from mistakes Kindergarten ◦ If we don’t get it right the first time, we keep trying! First and Second Grade ◦ If we are struggling, we keep trying, even if we make a mistake. Eventually, we will understand and we should always believe in ourselves! Third and Fourth Grade ◦ Sometimes we don’t understand a math strategy right away, but with lots of practice we will figure it out! Fifth and Sixth Grade ◦ Music program dance groups struggled with their dances, but after lots of practice they had a great performance!

5 This Is It: Make the most of every moment Kindergarten ◦ We do our best! First and Second Grade ◦ When we get upset, we calm ourselves down and focus back on the task we are working on. Third and Fourth Grade ◦ If the schedule changes and we can’t go out for an extra recess we say, “It’s okay, maybe we will get to go outside another time.” Fifth and Sixth Grade ◦ We try out new ideas and have an open mind.

6 Speak with Good Purpose: Speak honestly and kindly Kindergarten ◦ We use kind words with our classmates. First and Second Grade ◦ We give compliments to our classmates. Third and Fourth Grade ◦ We give peer feedback respectfully. Fifth and Sixth Grade ◦ We correct one another’s unexpected behaviors in a respectful way.

7 Commitment: Make your dreams happen Kindergarten ◦ We always try, even when we know it’s hard! First and Second Grade ◦ When we make a mistake in our writing, we go back and make changes to our writing to make it better. Third and Fourth Grade ◦ Set specific goals and create action plans. Fifth and Sixth Grade ◦ When we don’t finish in time, we go in during lunch to finish instead of missing more instructional time.

8 Ownership: Take responsibility for actions Kindergarten ◦ We put our names at the top of our paper. First and Second Grade ◦ If we forget something at home, we say, “I forgot it today, but I will make sure to remember it tomorrow.” Third and Fourth Grade ◦ When we forget to do our homework, we don’t use an “Oops” pass. We go to homework lunch instead so that we don’t get behind. Fifth and Sixth Grade ◦ We apologize when we say something that hurts someone’s feelings.

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