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Listening Part II Lesson 20 August 25, 2012 Facilitators Allynne & Scott.

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Presentation on theme: "Listening Part II Lesson 20 August 25, 2012 Facilitators Allynne & Scott."— Presentation transcript:

1 Listening Part II Lesson 20 August 25, 2012 Facilitators Allynne & Scott

2 Warm-Up  Presented by Fatíma!!!!!

3 Movers & Shakers  Everyone needs to stand in the middle of the classroom. You will listen to the statement that I read and decide if it is true or false. If it is true, you stand up and if it is false you have to sit down. Ready!!!

4 Minimal Pairs  The th sound in English!!!!!  Practice saying this sound /s/sssssssssss  Put your tongue between your teeth and say sssssss  Now with your tongue in your teeth say:  Cida sabe sambar.

5 Minimal Pairs sankThankfoughtthought sinkthinkfretthreat sinthinfreethree treethreemassmath Tickthickpasspath MouseMouthTentTenth MattMathBootBooth OafOathDeafdeath MiffMythDayThey DoughThoughDozethose DenThenDareThere Truethrough

6 Fish & Pick up Card Game  In groups of five, do the following  Match the words to their minimal pairs i.e. tree/free  Check answers with the teachers  Pick up card game ( in two teams)  You will hear a word and must find its minimal pair among all the other cards on the floor.

7 Pronuciation  On your cards write one word on each that defines your feeling about pronunciation  As a Teacher  As a learner

8 Focused Listening- Predicting ESL Podcast  ue_id=10629269# ue_id=10629269#

9 Predicting-Transcript  Nick: I’m turning 40 this year and what do I have to show for it? Danielle: Actually, you’ve accomplished a lot. Do you know what your problem is? Your expectations are too high and your goals are unattainable for most people. Nick: Not for me. They shouldn’t have been. I had my life all planned out and nothing is turning out the way it should. Danielle: I would never have pegged you for someone with regrets about how his life has turned out. Nick: But I was supposed to make my first million dollars by the time I was 30. By 35, I should have met someone and settled down, maybe had a child or two. None of that has panned out. Danielle: You have lots of friends and a full life. Maybe things didn’t turn out the way you had imagined, but wouldn’t you say you were generally content? Nick: I was before I started thinking about my upcoming birthday. Danielle: Then stop thinking about it. Too much brooding could definitely lead to regrets – not to mention premature aging!

10 Dictacomp Listening  Listen to the following dialog and jot down key words.   After, in pairs write down and reconstruct the dialog. It doesn’t have to be exactly the same.

11 Dictacomp transcript Girl: Dad, I'm bored today. I want to go to a movie? Dad: A movie today? Well, I don't know. Here. Let me look at the newspaper. Okay. Ah, here's a movie that starts in the afternoon at 2:45. Well, should we take mommy with us? Girl: Yeah. Dad: Okay, we have to wait for mommy because she's at a meeting right now. Girl: Okay. Dad: Alright. And what should we do after we see the movie? Girl: Go on a walk. Dad: Well, where would you like to go on a walk? Would you like to go down to the beach or through the park? Girl: To the beach. Dad: To the beach. Well, that sounds great. And then maybe we can go out to eat tonight. Does that sound okay? Girl: Yeah.

12 Dictacomp review  What was the goal of the activity?  What did you do during listenin?  What did you do post listening?  Did you practice any other language skill?

13 Break

14 Grouping  Each person will receive a card with the name of a well known song.  You must hum this song and walk around the room.  Listen to the others humming their songs.  When you find the people who are humming the same song as you, get together and form your group.  Why would this be helpful for classroom management?

15 Making a listening activity  With your group members create a short listening activity using the PDP method  Make sure the story/dialog is level appropriate for your students?  You may need to write a script  After creating your listening material, you will record it with a cell phone, or digital camera, and send it to the teachers.

16 Teaching the Listening  After recording one group will teach their listening to everyone  This will include Pre/during/post actvities  Feedback on the strengths of the lesson and suggestions for improvement.

17 Using Video in the Classroom A reflection Survey

18 How can we use videos in the class?  Example 1:   Using Subtites  

19 Recordings of English  Discuss and list all the different types of access learners have to listen to recored English.  Do you use podcasts? Do they?  TED videos  Children’s stories  Others????  What can you do to encourage learners to listen outside of class?

20 Listening Unit  What should the goal in listening comprehension?  What are the basic elements of a listening activity?  Text, context, purpose, task.  Out of all the listening activities listed in Snow’s chapter, which one’s are most appropriate for your learners?  Show + Tell, TPR, T/F Listening, dictation, dictacomp, dictation for reduced forms, stories, focused listenin, problem solving situations, Talks & lectures, press conferences

21 Listening Unit cont…  Name some ways Snow suggests to evaluate learners’ listening comprehension.  When giving a dictation, what can a teacher do to ensure students don’t totally ignore meaning?  Free listening resources:  html html   http:// http://

22 For Next Week  Homework  Read chapter 7  Write in your reflection journal: Have movies/TV shows helped you with your language learning? Do you watch using subtitles? Analyze and list the advantages/disadvantages for viewing media with subtitles and without. What skills and knowledge would be used with each approach?

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