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Chapter 5.4 Unions. 1900: the average industrial worker made.22 cents an hour and worked 59 hours a week. Craft workers: special skills and training Common.

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1 Chapter 5.4 Unions

2 1900: the average industrial worker made.22 cents an hour and worked 59 hours a week. Craft workers: special skills and training Common Laborers: few skills and low wages “Trade Union”- craft workers joined together to get better wages

3 Chapter 5.4 Unions Industry was against unions “Industrial Unions”- united all workers in a particular industry “Blacklisted”- put on a “no hire” list “lockouts”- locking workers out and refusing to pay them “strike breakers”- hiring people to replace the on strike workers

4 Chapter 5.4 Unions “Marxism”- workers would revolt, take control of the factories, and over throw the government. “arbitration”- using a third party to settle disputes between labor and management “strike”- workers stop producing to make management give them better wages

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