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Use the ion stripper in TT2 to increase the emittance and thereby limit the accumulated brightness: Case 1:192 bunches, Accumulated Brightness~134 (192*0.70),

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Presentation on theme: "Use the ion stripper in TT2 to increase the emittance and thereby limit the accumulated brightness: Case 1:192 bunches, Accumulated Brightness~134 (192*0.70),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Use the ion stripper in TT2 to increase the emittance and thereby limit the accumulated brightness: Case 1:192 bunches, Accumulated Brightness~134 (192*0.70), Brightness (N b /ε n )=0.70 [10 11 /um], Beta =20 m @ TT2 stripper, Increase ε n from 1.4 to 1.86 [um] Case 2:240 bunches, Accumulated Brightness~134 (240*0.56), Brightness (N b /ε n )=0.56 [10 11 /um], Beta =40 m @ TT2 stripper, Increase ε n from 1.4 to 2.32 [um]

2 Case 1: (192,0.70) DISP1DISP2ALFA11BETA11 DISP3DISP4ALFA22BETA22 Entry stripper -2.4290-0.04690.0000020.00-0.03210.03050.000020.00 Exit stripper -2.4290-0.0469-0.0000115.05-0.03210.03050.000015.05 Adjusting the beta function at the stripper to 20m in both horizontal and vertical planes, gives an increase of the normalized emittance from 1.4 um to 1.86 um. The optical functions before and after the stripper: The following magnets are used for the matching of beta =20 m at the stripper (position 208) and for the matching the optical functions at the end of TT10 to the same values as the Q20 optics: NB! The same magnets are also used for case 2 (40m at the stripper), because they give a precise matching (and extra flexibility to change the matching) and can also avoid the maximum current limits of the magnets and power supplies. For comparison, here is the similar table for the Q20 optics QFO165QDE180QFO205QDE207QDE210QFO215QDE220SQFO225SQDE240SQFO375QIID1001QIIF1002QIID1003QIF1004QID1005 K1 [Gradient/Bρ]0.0727-0.07240.0610.000-0.10420.0713-0.10440.1069-0.10420.1322-0.09760.138-0.06910.1193-0.0866 Current [A]146.95-146.56123.470.00-207.69144.09-206.95211.70-207.69262.46-193.46274.33-137.24197.35-143.39 Max Current [A]350 500450400500350 400300200 Max rms Current [A]NA 360 500NA 400275200 QFO165QDE180QFO205QDE207QDE210QFO215QDE220SQFO225SQDE240SQFO375QIID1001QIIF1002QIID1003QIF1004QID1005 K1 [Gradient/Bρ]0.0744-0.05860.1269-0.1082-0.07380.0667-0.10560.1046-0.10070.1505-0.1150.1314-0.06970.1177-0.0858 Current [A]150.37-118.68256.67-218.68-147.34134.95-209.32207.12-200.84300.31-227.99260.77-138.53194.68-142.11 Max Current [A]350 500450400500350 400300200 Max rms Current [A]NA 360 500NA 400275200

3 Case 1: (192,0.70) Notice that the optical functions in the majority part of the TT10 line is exactly like the Q20 optics i.e. the matching to 20m is essentially kept in TT2

4 Case 2: (240,0.56) Adjusting the beta function at the stripper to 40m in both horizontal and vertical planes, gives an increase of the normalized emittance from 1.4 um to 2.32 um. The optical functions before and after the stripper: The following magnets are used for the matching of beta =40 m at the stripper (position 208) and for the matching the optical functions at the end of TT10 to the same values as the Q20 optics: For comparison, here is the similar table for the Q20 optics QFO165QDE180QFO205QDE207QDE210QFO215QDE220SQFO225SQDE240SQFO375QIID1001QIIF1002QIID1003QIF1004QID1005 K1 [Gradient/Bρ]0.0727-0.07240.0610.000-0.10420.0713-0.10440.1069-0.10420.1322-0.09760.138-0.06910.1193-0.0866 Current [A]146.95-146.56123.470.00-207.69144.09-206.95211.70-207.69262.46-193.46274.33-137.24197.35-143.39 Max Current [A]350 500450400500350 400300200 Max rms Current [A]NA 360 500NA 400275200 DISP1DISP2ALFA11BETA11 DISP3DISP4ALFA22BETA22 Entry stripper -2.5040-0.0686040.00-0.23010.0205040.00 Exit stripper -2.5040-0.0686-0.0000124.14-0.23010.0205-0.0000124.14 QFO165QDE180QFO205QDE207QDE210QFO215QDE220SQFO225SQDE240SQFO375QIID1001QIIF1002QIID1003QIF1004QID1005 K1 [Gradient/Bρ]0.0418-0.00270.1021-0.1078-0.06820.0798-0.08360.1081-0.10630.1305-0.15870.1356-0.07130.1119-0.0851 Current [A]84.72-5.50206.19-217.83-136.13161.34-165.88214.22-211.84259.10-317.82269.40-141.55185.00-140.96 Max Current [A]350 500450400500350 400300200 Max rms Current [A]NA 360 500NA 400275200 NB! The power supplies for the magnets in TT2 are in the building 250 and 269, while the power supplies for TT10 are all in BA1. That the power supplies are in different buildings will make the interlock harder to make. However, it is unfortunately not possible to only use the magnets in TT2 – doing so, would leave the resulting currents at the limit and the optics functions at the end of TT10 would not be matched correctly.

5 Case 2: (240,0.56) Notice that the optical functions in the majority part of the TT10 line is exactly like the Q20 optics i.e. the matching to 40 m is essentially kept in TT2

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