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The multitude of repeatable measurable features of the cyclic pattern makes it possible to determine the boundaries of the fertile window for every individual.

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Presentation on theme: "The multitude of repeatable measurable features of the cyclic pattern makes it possible to determine the boundaries of the fertile window for every individual."— Presentation transcript:

1 The multitude of repeatable measurable features of the cyclic pattern makes it possible to determine the boundaries of the fertile window for every individual cycle. As opposed to having to rely on some assumption of unchanged timing of these events from cycle to cycle in the manner of the methods of prior art. This is why our technology can be used for birth control whereas the prior art technologies cannot.

2 This abnormal cycle record illustrates Ovulona’s capability to recognize irregularities (here: Ovulona anticipates LPD) Collapsed BBT curve is a symptom of LPD (observed too late)

3 This is a comparison of data from a normal reproductive cycle and an abnormal cycle. The abnormal cycle, like the normal profile, was generated by a baseline subject, and it reflects the failure of proper orchestration of the ovulatory process (the pre-ovulation peaks are absent – there was no dominant follicle maturation in this cycle). Note that the corresponding BBT graph does not exhibit the normal post-ovulatory sustained temperature rise. The strong diagnostic potential of the Ovulona is clearly illustrated by this abnormal cycle data, which can be interpreted as being a case of luteal phase defect, a frequent cause of failure to conceive by healthy women. The Ovulona appears to have anticipated the defect, which would save money and inconvenience in infertility treatment. This interpretation was introduced to us by an obstetrician-gynecologist familiar with the BBT and, of course, with the luteal phase defect (LPD) phenomena.

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