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Zeus Smith Mount Olympus High School What kind of father eats his children? Devouring child after child until finally his wife/sister tricks him by substituting.

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Presentation on theme: "Zeus Smith Mount Olympus High School What kind of father eats his children? Devouring child after child until finally his wife/sister tricks him by substituting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zeus Smith Mount Olympus High School What kind of father eats his children? Devouring child after child until finally his wife/sister tricks him by substituting a rock for the newborn who is about to be served with a side of Feta and nice wine. No, these details do not chronicle life in Kentucky, but rather a critical experience in my life, mainly my escape to the island of Crete and the eventual confrontation with my dad. By banishing my father and the Titans to the underworld, punishing Prometheus for giving man fire and humans for utilizing with Pandora and spreading my love in every layer of the earth through all the species of the world reveals my passion for a moral life; this passion has prepared me to matriculate to the University of California.

2 I know what you might be thinking, how can my constant attempts to single-handedly populate the world demonstrate a moral passion? But isn’t it obvious? By transforming myself into a bull and being with Europa or by becoming a swan and flapping my wings with Leda, I not only produce children that will help the world, but now have a real reason to care for humans. At first, humans were these plain, butt-nasty creatures. But my uncle Prom disobeyed my orders and gave them fire. Prometheus was banished to a boulder and his liver devoured daily: someone had to put him in check. So after I unleashed Pandora and her female curiosity that gave man all the ills of the world, I began to feel awful for the humans. After all, can you blame a guppy for being a guppy?

3 So my plan was to find the beautiful ones and offer them the chance to improve the gene pool. It is sacrifice that I am willing to make because I care so much. It is the right thing to do. So, when I became a golden shower and let it rain on Danae or transform myself into the appearance of Alcmena’s husband, I am doing it for them. This passion, this moral compass, is my way of making right a wrong. And my rightness does not stop with the ladies, just ask Ganymede. I brought him back to Mount Olympus to serve me. Now I know what you might be thinking, you cannot get a guy pregnant, how does this hook show your moral passion? But Ganymede’s dad got some fine horses in return for pimping I mean sending his son with me. That is like giving someone a Lexus today. And you all know Lexus’ make human life better. This sacrifice of mine is my way of saying to you, I am sorry about the plague thing. After all, someone who has had such a unique experience would be a perfect fit at the University of California. Diversity is good; trust me I have done/made enough of it to know.

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