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What data is used to measure a society’s economic level?

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Presentation on theme: "What data is used to measure a society’s economic level?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What data is used to measure a society’s economic level?
Agriculture Wholesale Retail Manufacturing (goods) Service Industries

2 Agriculture Primary Industry
Define: taking care of soil to grow crops and raise animals. Examples: Farming Livestock raising Livestock for food Meat Cheese, milk, yogurt Livestock for wool, leather

3 Wholesale Tertiary Industry (Selling – service)
Define: the selling of a large quantity of goods to be sold (retailed) by other stores. The factory sells their good to the wholesaler, who sells their goods to a store. Examples: Costco, Sam’s Club Restaurant Wholesalers Sally’s Beauty Supply

4 Retail Tertiary Industry (selling – service)
Define: the sale of goods in small quantities to the public (consumer) Examples: HEB Aeropostale Hot Topic Amazon Wal-Mart

5 Manufacturing (Goods)
Secondary Industry Define: make something on a large scale using machinery. Examples: Clothing Packaged food (Cheetos, Takis) Shoes Cars Toys /&h=525&w=640&tbnid=TDzTtu1crEnfnM:&zoom=1&docid=GKYOh1wIgRHKOM&ei=A3IuVevCHcWisAXGu4HIDw&tbm=isch&ved=0CEoQMygmMCY

6 Service Industries Tertiary Industry and Quaternary Industry
Define: something that someone does in exchange for money Examples: Selling items (retail) Hair Salons Personal Trainer Accountant Doctor Teacher /&h=640&w=475&tbnid=fakxUF_8bI9-iM:&zoom=1&docid=x8UpsL7de6kqAM&ei=jHIuVZnFA4u5sAWp54KQDA&tbm=isch&ved=0CFMQMygvMC8


8 Indicators of a society’s economic development
Life Expectancy Gross Domestic Product (GDP) GDP per capita Literacy Rate

9 Life expectancy How long you are expected to live based on your current age, gender, and where you are from.

10 Life expectancy

11 Life expectancy

12 factbook/rankorder/2102rank.html

13 Gross Domestic Product
The value of all the goods and services a country makes in one year.

14 Gross Domestic Product, California, 2008

15 GDP, South Africa, 2012


17 GDP per capita The value of all the goods and services made in a country, in one year, per person as an average. Useful to compare different countries and their standard of living.

18 Per capita gross domestic product (GDP) average annual growth, 1990–2003


20 Literacy Rate Literacy is the ability to read and write.
The literacy rate of a country tells you the percentage of people who can read and write in that country. factbook/


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