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Purpose  Purpose: to ascertain the subsequent actions, benefits, barriers, and expected impact of dispositional training within the Boone Co. School.

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2 Purpose  Purpose: to ascertain the subsequent actions, benefits, barriers, and expected impact of dispositional training within the Boone Co. School district

3 Methodology  Interviews with all principals in the district, 23  Recorded and transcribed  Key ideas highlighted


5  Have an entire section devoted to dispositions in our interview process  Include a written disposition question  Interview committee more aware of dispositional issues/ questions/ look-for’s  More comes out in the written question than verbal ones  Now we are consciously adding dispositional questions and rubrics  Now sharing questions with colleagues  Now understand the research behind dispositional questions

6  All principals trained in dispositional hiring and passed inter-rater reliability assessments  All assistant principals and instructional coaches also trained and assessed  SBDM Council members also trained, but not assessed  Most schools provided some type of training to other members of the hiring committee  Some schools also trained all staff

7  More well-rounded candidates  Now understand why we ask what we ask and the importance of dispositions  Helps us stay focused on dispositions in the hiring process  We are more discerning  Depth of hiring process  Gives a more honest picture of candidates  We are more intentional about considering dispositions  More acutely aware of how dispositions frame actions  Conversations about candidates are more meaningful  Eliminates candidates that do not exhibit the appropriate dispositions

8  Conflict when interviewers do not all exhibit dispositions we are looking for  Quantifying dispositions; how to describe on a rubric  Possibly transfer process  Afraid to give dispositions the level of importance needed  Maybe overemphasizing dispositions  Not always having a firm understanding of dispositional look-for’s

9  Someone who genuinely loves kids  Looking for something beyond a job; teaching is a mission  Focus on people vs. things  Always sees the positive  Global thinkers  Espouses a team concept  Puts others before self

10  Experiment with different questions  Consider a written task  Trust colleagues’ recommendations  Consider the process as a whole—combination of content knowledge, instructional expertise and dispositions  Must consider dispositions when selecting staff or you will end up with staff you don’t want  Possibly train everyone in the school  All administrators must go through training and pass assessment to use questions  Utilize a performance task

11  Increased student achievement  Increased collaboration  Develop a positive culture  Professionalism  A culture of caring  Less time needed for administrator to “put out fires”  Seamless transitions  More trusting, cohesive staff  More productive PLC’s, staff meetings  Getting the best out of everyone  Increased staff retention

12  If your life turns out the best you could expect it to be, what would you be doing in 5 years?  Think of a significant past event which involved yourself and one other person…  Describe your favorite children’s book.  How have you helped a student?  Describe a situation when you tried to help, but it didn’t turn out the way you wanted. What would you do differently next time?

13  Analyze the questions and rubrics individual hiring committees are using in order to calibrate scores, look-for’s  Continue to train new administrators and SBDM Council members  Examine the impact of dispositions on student achievement  Interview other hiring committee members regarding their perceptions of dispositional hiring processes  Observe/ record/ analyze conversations during interview process

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