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The Incas The Incas had the most important achievements out of all three civilizations. They had far more advanced technology than the Mayans or the Aztecs.

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1 The Incas The Incas had the most important achievements out of all three civilizations. They had far more advanced technology than the Mayans or the Aztecs That was also very useful.

2 The Incas were gifted engineers. They built a road system that stretched through out their vast empire. To make routes on steep mountains the Incas carved staircases and gouged tunnels out of rock. Over rivers They used a type of bridge called a suspension bridge so they could cross. The Incas truly had more important achievements in engineering than the Aztecs and the Mayans. Engineering

3 Agriculture The Incas were very advanced in agriculture. Farmers usually used terraces to farm. On some terraces farmers would plant different types of crops at different elevations depending on where they would grow best. To water crops, the Incas made canals that brought water to the top of the terrace. This allowed water to run down level by level to water all the crops. These techniques were very advanced and only the Incas used them.

4 The Mayans and the Aztecs had some important achievements too. Like how the Mayans came up with the zero and how the Aztecs built Tenochtitlan. However these achievements where not useful. Having one extra number and a cool

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