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Brandi Ripa.  22 students: 10 boys, 12 girls 14 Caucasian, 4 African American, 3 Hispanic, 1 Asian 5 Students with an IEP:  3 Learning Disabled  1.

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Presentation on theme: "Brandi Ripa.  22 students: 10 boys, 12 girls 14 Caucasian, 4 African American, 3 Hispanic, 1 Asian 5 Students with an IEP:  3 Learning Disabled  1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brandi Ripa

2  22 students: 10 boys, 12 girls 14 Caucasian, 4 African American, 3 Hispanic, 1 Asian 5 Students with an IEP:  3 Learning Disabled  1 Speech or Language Impaired  1 Autistic  All students come from middle- to lower- middle class homes

3  Grade: 7 th  Unit: Geometry and Measurement  Time Frame: 3 weeks  Goal: At the end of this unit students will draw, construct and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them.

4  Remembering: Memorize the angle measures of special triangles (30-60 and 45-45 right triangles). Define triangles based on angles and side measures.  Understanding: Identify special pairs of angles and relationships of angles formed by two parallel lines cut by a transversal. Classify triangles and quadrilaterals by their angles and sides. Identify congruent polygons.  Applying: Graph reflections, translations, and rotations on a coordinate plane.  Analyzing: Differentiate the line of symmetry versus rotational symmetry.  Evaluating: Evaluate missing angle measures in triangles and quadrilaterals.  Creating: Construct a perpendicular bisector of a segment. Construct congruent triangles.

5 Draw construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them. 1. Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale. 2. Draw (freehand, with ruler and protractor, and with technology) geometric shapes with given conditions. Focus on constructing triangles from three measures of angles or sides, noticing when the conditions determine a unique triangle, more than one triangle, or no triangle. Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume. 5. Use facts about supplementary, complementary, vertical, and adjacent angles in a multi-step problem to write and solve simple equations for an unknown angle in a figure.

6 All All students will draw and classify geometrical figures, and describe the relationships between them. Most Most students will discover geometric relationships in authentic situations. Some Some students will formulate conjectures about the relationships between sides of a triangles and/or the degrees of angels in polygons.




10 FORMATIVESUMMATIVE  Teacher Observation  Exit Slips  Class Activity Assignments  Demonstrations with visuals/ manipulatives /dances  Quiz  Unit Test  Transformations Activity

11 Neural Networks

12 Geometry Unit Poster The teacher will allow students to draw examples of each polygon in the blank areas as an anchor activity.

13 LINCS Poster Will be hanging in the classroom for student reference throughout the lesson.

14 This is the description of the Math Dance Activity.

15  Students will have a choice to complete Activity A or B


17 Reflection worksheet that will be projected on the SMARTBoard. Students who need to physically move the shapes around the coordinate plane will be given the opportunity to come up and do so.

18 Translations Assessment


20 National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. (2013). Virtual library. Retrieved from Popovici, D. (2012). Classifying triangles game. Retrieved from http://www.math- triangles.html Wright, B. (2010, May 25). Pe central. Retrieved from wLesson.asp?ID=10000

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