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Changes in healthcare commissioning Phil Ambler Operations and Information Manager UK Vision Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "Changes in healthcare commissioning Phil Ambler Operations and Information Manager UK Vision Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changes in healthcare commissioning Phil Ambler Operations and Information Manager UK Vision Strategy

2 NHS reform Purpose of the change Responsibilities in the new structures What this means for the eye care and sight loss services sector and the UK Vision Strategy

3 Purpose of the change Liberating the NHS Clinical leadership Patient choice Delivering outcomes

4 Patient choice ‘No decision about me, without me’

5 Expected savings £15 - £20 billion over next five years

6 Responsibilities of structures Department of Health DH will be strategic and be concerned with public health. DH will set a mandate for the new National Commissioning Board (NCB) and hold it to account. DH will set the legislative and policy frameworks and ensure that accounting systems are reviewed. GP Consortia will be responsible for commissioning most services.

7 Responsibilities of structures National Commissioning Board The NCB has five aims: 1.To provide national leadership on commissioning 2.To promote patient choice 3.To ensure the development of GP Consortia and to hold them to account 4.Commissioning services outside the remit of GP Consortia (including sight testing and domiciliary testing) 5.Allocating and accounting for NHS resources.

8 Responsibilities of structures GP Consortia 1.To commission services locally 2.GP consortia will not commission primary care services 3.Deliver value for money and improved quality of care

9 Responsibilities of structures Other roles Local government increased role in public services and public health Monitor will be the financial regulator to hold Consortia to account. Care Quality Commission (CQC) will have responsibility for monitoring and enforcing quality standards. NICE will set the quality standards. Health and Wellbeing Boards and local HealthWatch


11 Current position GP Consortia covering nearly 90% of the population Listening period until 31 May 2011 1st event 27 April with over 100 more planned The future?

12 What this means for the sector and the UK Vision Strategy There will be a continuing potential role for the UK Vision Strategy within the DH and for making the case for outcomes to be achieved. In terms of the NCB there are two areas of influence: Influencing commissioning and development of clinical pathways; Influence arguments around achieving value for money. Prevention and radical service changes are two key ways to achieve this.

13 Eye care and sight loss commissioning guidance Increase awareness Improve quality of eye care and sight loss services Improve efficiency for GPs

14 Changes in healthcare commissioning Phil Ambler Operations and Information Manager UK Vision Strategy

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