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Français 11/28/13 Ouvrez vos livres á page 55. Utilisez le vocabulaire pour decrivez vos emplois de temps.. What kind of ant is good at math? Doucement.

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Presentation on theme: "Français 11/28/13 Ouvrez vos livres á page 55. Utilisez le vocabulaire pour decrivez vos emplois de temps.. What kind of ant is good at math? Doucement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Français 11/28/13 Ouvrez vos livres á page 55. Utilisez le vocabulaire pour decrivez vos emplois de temps.. What kind of ant is good at math? Doucement – quietly. S’il vous plaît, parlez doucement. Please speak quietly Goals – Work on parts of the day and talking about schedules. Practice numbers. Telling time. Les Devoirs – #21 Page 59.

2 Français 11/19/13 Ouvrez vos livres á page 59. Faites # 22 a. Seulement les heures. What do you call a bunch of chickens playing hide and seek? Gazon – grass. Je pense que je vais semer du gazon. I think I’ll plant some grass. Goals – Work on numbers and times. Work on telling the classes you and a friend have together. Les Devoirs – #6 à la page 68.

3 Français 11/20/13 Ouvrez vos livres á page 60. Faites Panorama Culturel. How can you jump off a fifty foot ladder and not get hurt? Saponify – convert to soap Goals – Work on numbers, time, agreeing, disagreeing, and the verb avoir. Les Devoirs – Rough Draft dialogue 2-2.

4 Français 11/21/13 Additional Listening Activity 2-3 What did the painter say to his girlfriend? Mademoiselle – miss. Mademoiselle, est-ce que je peux vous aider? Miss, can I help you? Goals – Practice talking about classes you have and agreeing and disagreeing. Les Devoirs – Write a paragraph about your schedule compared to your best friend’s.

5 Français 11/22/13 Additional Listening Activity 2-4. How do you spell a hated opponent with only three letters? Capricieux/capricieuse – capricious. Ce qu’elle est capricieuse! She’s so capricious! Goals – Practicing for orale 2-2. Circuit? Use rough draft dialogue 2-2 from Wednesday homework. Les Devoirs – Write a Final Draft Dialogue 2-2.

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