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13 Information and Reservation Module (lesson 55-56) Information quiz review Chinese IIAB (IIA +IIB)

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2 13 Information and Reservation Module (lesson 55-56) Information quiz review Chinese IIAB (IIA +IIB)

3 Step 1 Step 2 Click on Audio Setup Wizard to test your sound if it is good. Click on Mute My speaker to mute sound. Click on people to your different need. Step 3 To exit Adobe Click Allow

4 Please click on page 5 to find Module Learning Guide in the right panel under Handouts in the first module. Please save and download to print out for off line learning. Module Learning Guide and notes is your digital text book. At the same time, you can copy and paste to save some important notes for off line learning too. For example on page 2 and 3, there are many characters with pinyin and English translation. You will need to install Chinese simplified (PRC) in your keyboard. Please learn on page 4 of How to install Chinese pinyin in Welcome to Chinese folder in the content area. Where is e-Textbook?

5 Q1 Please listen to the following paragraph, and choose the correct answer. 我是 Ashly, 今天上午我看到一个旅游广告,北京国际旅行社有亚特 兰大双人游的项目,现在他们有优惠的活动,这旅行包括游览最 著名的风景区,住四星级酒店,这个旅行是七日游,每个人只需 要三千六百六十元,亚特兰大天气一直很好,白天一般都是晴天 ,偶尔下雨或多云,最高气温都在二十五度左右。

6 Q1 Please listen to the following paragraph, and choose the correct answer. Which travel agency is doing the Atlanta Double Trip special activity? => Beijing International Travel Agency.

7 Q 2-5 Please listen to the following paragraph, and choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks. 饭店:四星级 天数:七日游 每个人费用:三千六百六十元。 天气:晴天 最高气温:二十五度 =>(1) 4 (2) 7 (3) $3660.00 (4) 25

8 Character/pinyin/English 旅游 lǚ yóu - travel 广告 guǎng gào - advertisement 年初 nián chū - In the beginning of a year 国际 guó jì - international 旅行社 lǚ xíng shè - travel agency 海南 hǎi nán - Hainan, a city in China 双人 shuāng rén - two people 项目 xiàng mù - program 优惠 yōu huì - special (activity), discount 活动 huó dòng - activity 一共 yí gong - in total 已经 yǐ jīng - already 咨询 zī xún - consult 适合 shì hé - fit, suitable 情侣 qíng lǚ - couple 路线 lù xiàn - route 包括 bāo kuò- include, contain 游览 yóu lǎn - visit 著名 zhù míng - famous 风景区 fēng jǐng qū - beauty

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