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The Eight Principal Patterns Four Pairs of Polar Opposites.

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1 The Eight Principal Patterns Four Pairs of Polar Opposites

2 The Eight Principal Patterns Ba gang “eight principal patterns” Bian –zheng “distinguishing patterns” The primary faces of yin and yang Allows the physician to recognize the relationship between certain clinical signs and Yin and Yang

3 The Chinese Physician Distinguishes patterns, not syndromes Recognizes bodily disharmony from the patients signs and symptoms Must be able to train mind to see patterns Artistic and poetic

4 Distinguishing the Eight Principal Patterns Composed of four pairs of polar opposites: Yin/Yang Interior/Exterior Deficiency/Excess Cold/Hot

5 Interior/Exterior Disharmony Basic spatial location Describe the location and characteristics of a disharmony Interior Disharmony – often chronic Exterior Disharmony –Acute illness –Infectious/ contagious diseases

6 Deficiency/Excess Disharmony Deficiency Disharmony –Insufficient Qi, Blood, textures / Underactivity of Yin or Yang aspects of Organs –Usually chronic –Bleak and desolate clinical landscape Excess Disharmony –Inappropriate accumulation of Qi or Blood / Overactive bodily function / Attacked by Pernicious Influence –Either chronic or acute –Cluttered clinical landscape

7 Cold/Heat Disharmony Cold Disharmony –Yang Qi is insufficient / Cold Pernicious Influences are present –Bodily disharmony is “cloudy” Heat Disharmony –Heat Pernicious Influence / Hyperactivity of Yang functions / Insufficient Yin or fluids –Bodily disharmony is “bright”

8 Patterns of Yin and Yang Disharmonies General all inclusive patterns in Chinese medicine Yin (yin-zheng) patterns = Interior + Deficient + Cold Yang (yang-zheng) patterns = Exterior + Excess+ Hot Most patients exhibit a combination of Yin and Yang signs

9 The Pattern of Excess/Heat Two Yang patterns are merged, creating a pure Yang pattern Excess (Yang) + Heat (Yang) Includes Yang signs in movement, pain, tongue, and pulse

10 The Pattern of Deficiency/Heat When merged, resulting combination has both Yin and Yang aspects These aspects may modify each other and may manifest themselves in a seemingly contradictory manner Deficiency (Yin) + Heat (Yang) Example Movement: weak and fragile but fast

11 The Pattern of Excess/Cold Combine Yin and Yang aspects Excess (Yang) + Cold (Yin) Example Movement: forceful but slow Tongue: thick moss but pale

12 The Pattern of Deficiency/Cold Two Yin signs merge to create a pure Yin pattern Deficiency (Yin) + Cold (Yin) Example movement: frail/weak + slow tongue: little or no moss + pale

13 True Heat/Illusionary Cold In extreme disharmonies, some signs will appear that are actually illusionary With severe Heat disharmony, the patient may experience signs of Heat, and then suddenly signs of Cold This Cold is Illusionary Cold, also termed Illusionary Yin The result of extreme Yang energy forcing Yin to the extremities

14 Pattern of True Cold/Illusionary Heat With severe Cold disharmony, the patient may experience signs of Cold, and then suddenly signs of Heat there is an appearance of Heat, although there is a genuine Cold pattern The Yang is so weak that it floats to the surface of the body

15 Combining the Eight: Chapter 7 Summary Eight Principal Patterns are major categories into which all patterns of disharmony are grouped Used as guidelines that help capture human reality Define disharmony in general way, but through endless combinations of patterns describe precise disharmonies

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