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Task 4.2 Stave Core Assembly (Tim). Task 4.2 Outline Year 1: Design and construction of staves and stavelets suitable for 130nm ASICs which will be used.

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Presentation on theme: "Task 4.2 Stave Core Assembly (Tim). Task 4.2 Outline Year 1: Design and construction of staves and stavelets suitable for 130nm ASICs which will be used."— Presentation transcript:

1 Task 4.2 Stave Core Assembly (Tim)

2 Task 4.2 Outline Year 1: Design and construction of staves and stavelets suitable for 130nm ASICs which will be used to validate the thermal and electrical aspects of the design. The final geometry of the stave core design is contingent on external factors, particularly the layout, integration with the global support structure and level-1 trigger requirements. This will be fixed, along with performance specification towards the end of the first year. Year 2: Final development of stave core thermo-mechanical design for lowest mass, based on results from the previous work and using the tuned FEA models. The tooling to manufacture face sheets and stave cores will be developed and the final prototype staves will be manufactured and tested. Year 3: Manufacture of final prototype stave cores & mounting of electrical modules for stave system tests. A production plan for the UK share of stave cores including both manufacture and QA regime will be developed. The following stave cores will be built as a minimum; – SP Stavelet core (2-3) – DCDC Stavelet core (2-3) – Further stavelets (once powering decision is taken) (2) – Thermo-mechanical stave core (12) – Final Prototype Stave core (6) 2/05/20132ATLAS Tracker WP4 Meeting at RAL

3 Task 4.2 Milestones 2/05/2013ATLAS Tracker WP4 Meeting at RAL3 Milestone / Deliverable Description Completion date DeliverableTask M4.1Draft stave thermo-mechanical and electrical performance requirements documentedQ3/2013D4.2? M4.2Delivery of prototype stave core for 130nm ASICsQ4/2013 4.2 M4.3Draft stave assembly and QA proceduresQ1/2014D4.34.4 D4.1Probing system for reception testing and stave life-cycle tape QAQ1/2014 4.1 D4.2Final stave thermo-mechanical and electrical performance requirements documentQ2/2014 4.4 M4.5Final stave core design frozenQ2/2014 4.2 D4.3Final stave assembly and QA procedures documentQ3/2014 4.2/4.4 M4.6First UK final prototype stave core completeQ4/2014 4.2 M4.7Delivery of prototype core with GBT and VLQ2/2015D4.44.2 M4.8Production plan for UK stave assemblyQ3/2015 4.5 D4.4Delivery of six thermo-mechanical and two electrical staves and associated QA reportQ1/2016 4.2/4.3/4.4 NB: Need to understand / agree which task owns which milestone!

4 Task 4.2: Effort 2/05/2013ATLAS Tracker WP4 Meeting at RAL4 TaskNameRoleInstituteFundingY1Y2Y3Total 4.2 Jones AP Liverpool CG0.20 0.15 Carroll JL E Liverpool CG0.200.10 Sutcliffe P E Liverpool CG0.150.050.00 Whitley M T Liverpool CG0.20 Mechanical Workshop T Liverpool CG0.06 0.08 Mechanical Workshop T Liverpool NM0.120.140.19 WPT-9 Technician T Liverpool NM0.000.50 G. Viehhauser Ac Oxford CG0.20 R. Nickerson Ac Oxford CG0.10 S. Yang E Oxford CG0.20 R. Makin E Oxford CG0.100.20 J. Lynn E Oxford CG0.400.300.20 Mech Tech T Oxford CG0.260.290.25 Elec Tech T Oxford CG0.19 0.04 Mech Tech T Oxford NM0.700.840.49 Elec Tech T Oxford NM0.140.160.07 Ian Mercer T Lancaster CG0.50 Paul Booker T TD 0.20 Richard French E Sheffield CG0.200.150.10 Sub-total 4.114.573.7812.46

5 Specifications Aim – Need to develop a set of specifications for what a stave is supposed to be (M4.1) – Need to develop a draft assembly procedures and QA plan (M4.3) Things to think about … – How do we do this within the international context? – UK-led developments (orbital welded titanium, side- mounted EoS, Single-edge locking, etc..) – UK-team comprises most of the technical effort to design/prototype/evaluate options 2/05/2013ATLAS Tracker WP4 Meeting at RAL5

6 Stave 130 Geometry Aim Would like to converge with realistic designs based on proper evaluation of options/constraints by September – NB not a holiday! Lots of work to be done NOW to ensure September design is as realistic as possible. Things to think about…. – What length, width, thickness? – Where do the end locations & intermediate locking points go ? – How big is the EoS – What is the cooling loop geometry – What do the end close-outs look like? 2/05/2013ATLAS Tracker WP4 Meeting at RAL6

7 Stave Assembly Tooling Aim – Need to build a number of stave assembly tools for emerging stave design Things to think about… – Development of current carbon-fibre tool Feedback on design/use/etc..? – Schedule Aim to have stave geometry fairly fixed by September but tooling design could start earlier? Would like to have tooling built & being de-bugged by the end of 2013 – How many tools? Liverpool / Oxford / Brookhaven ? 2/05/2013ATLAS Tracker WP4 Meeting at RAL7

8 Prototype Stave(let) Manufacture Aim – To manufacture stavelet and full stave cores to UK and international community for electrical readout tests – To manufacture & test thermo-mechanical stave cores to qualify geometric accuracy, mechanical and thermal performance requirements Things to think about…. – Materials procurement & QA (pre-preg, honeycomb, foam, plastics, etc…) – Sub-component specifications, manufacture & checking; parts identification – Assembly procedure tracking – Links to 4.4 (QA) 2/05/2013ATLAS Tracker WP4 Meeting at RAL8

9 WP4 Schedule 13/Q213/Q313/Q414/Q114/Q214/Q314/Q415/Q115/Q215/Q315/Q416/Q1 130nm stave design 130nm tooling development 130nm thermal cores m/f & evaluation 130nm stavelet cores 130nm electrical cores 130nm module mounting 130nm electrical evaluation Final stave core design Final stave core tooling development Pre-production stave core m/f & thermo-mechanical eval. Module mounting system development Pre-production module mounting &elec. evaluation Production planning & preparation 2/05/20139ATLAS Tracker WP4 Meeting at RAL

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