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The Florida High School Athletic Association... building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship. Evaluation Program Purpose Evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "The Florida High School Athletic Association... building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship. Evaluation Program Purpose Evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Florida High School Athletic Association... building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship. Evaluation Program Purpose Evaluation Program Purpose What creates an successful evaluation program

2 The Florida High School Athletic Association... building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship. A.Discover excellence B.Stimulate improvement C.Give officials accurate data for reflection D.Ascertain weaknesses 1.Give measures for improvement E.Create an additional tool for future assignments THE PURPOSE OF AN EVALUATION PROGRAM

3 The Florida High School Athletic Association... building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship. THE GOALS OF AN EVALUATION PROGRAM 1.To improve individual officials 2.To rank order individual officials 3.Promote standardized mechanics through the evaluation process 4.To be consistent 5.Stop the biasness of the observers

4 The Florida High School Athletic Association... building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship. ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS PROGRAM 1.Communication systems a)Predominantly negative evaluations will result in resistance and denial. b)Corrective evaluation must be joined by heavy doses of positive notations, highlighting areas of superior behavior. 2.Recipient feedback a)If officials are helpless to respond, to appeal a negative evaluation, they’ll feel left out of the process and are likely to resist taking steps to improve. b)That two-way dimension means that evaluation should come quickly after games. It should probably best be delivered personally to permit a legitimate response.

5 The Florida High School Athletic Association... building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship. ROLE OF THE EVALUATOR 1.Observe: View the officials and their performance, looking for specified criteria. 2.Record: Write down observations in format requested by agency sponsoring the evaluation, likely using a pre- determined evaluation form. 3.Analyze: Make Judgments on whether observed actions were desirable or not. 4.Report: Provide analysis to either the officials themselves, the agency sponsoring the evaluation or both, depending on your mandate.

6 The Florida High School Athletic Association... building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship. HOW TO TEMPER HONESTY IN DELIVERING AN EVALUATION: 1.Concentrate on establishing a constructive and positive tone. 2.Look for ways to develop officials as opposed to tearing them down. 3.Arm yourself with solutions.

7 The Florida High School Athletic Association... building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship. THE COMPONENTS OF DELIVERING AN EFFECTIVE EVALUATION: 1.Respect 2.Honesty 3.Consistency 4.Help the official being evaluated stay open to what you’re saying

8 The Florida High School Athletic Association... building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship. Don’t let one play decide an entire Evaluation!

9 The Florida High School Athletic Association... building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship. In Conclusion A successful program should assist an official to discover excellence, stimulate improvement, and give officials accurate data for reflection. If weaknesses are discovered, measures for improvement should be given. They are not to give an entire overview off of one play.

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