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1 Library European University Institute Library Survey on archiving and long term preservation A view from the consortium side Tommaso Giordano in collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Library European University Institute Library Survey on archiving and long term preservation A view from the consortium side Tommaso Giordano in collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Library European University Institute Library Survey on archiving and long term preservation A view from the consortium side Tommaso Giordano in collaboration with Paola Gargiulo and Roman Chyla Rome, 11-14 October 2006 ICOLC Autumn 2006 8th European Meeting

2 2 Library European University Institute Library Ten questions on digital long term preservation Survey conducted on library consortia Aims: how consortia view trends in digital preservation Questionnaire sent on two discussion lists: - Liblicense - Consort-list Available from 1 to 24 of September at 35 valid responses out of 38 in total

3 3 Library European University Institute Library Information about consortia respondents Respondents: 35 Total (estimated) of licenses: 1241

4 4 Library European University Institute Library Information about consortia respondents Total (estimated) number of licenses: 1,241

5 5 Library European University Institute Library Who should take long-term preservation responsibilities Total respondents: 35

6 6 Library European University Institute Library Who should take long-term preservation responsabilities? Europe vs. North America (%) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N B BBB B BB BB B Europe North America B = Blank, N = No, Y = Yes

7 7 Library European University Institute Library Priority/importance of license clauses in the consortia policy Absolutely important Important Optional

8 8 Library European University Institute Library Specific archival clauses required in licence policy Total respondents: 31

9 9 Library European University Institute Library Services currently provided or planned by the consortia Total respondents: 35

10 10 Library European University Institute Library What solution, if any, do you plan to implement (or have you implemented) for a digital repository? 19 Respondents 7 planned/or are planning to implement an existing solution (Fedora, Lockss, Kopal…) 6 are thinking about, or are evaluating the alternatives 3 have implemented an ad hoc solution of they own 2 reported that individual libraries are looking for they own solutions 1 declared no plan

11 11 Library European University Institute Library Comparisons: a view from the library side The Re-USE survey on long-term preservation »330 Libraries in Europe »90% consider long-term preservation an intrinsic task of libraries »40% of university libraries maintain repositories, and 35% have plans to establish one »Long-term preservation is ‘very important’ for 75% and ‘important’ for 35% »But… 67% consider it improbable that digital files will be usable in 100 years. (Survey on the long term preservation of digital documents in European libraries, University of Innsbruck Library, 2006)

12 12 Library European University Institute Library Tentative Conclusions Libraries and consortia have different views on the rôle of libraries in long-term preservation; Consortia recognise the importance of the issues; on the other hand, their actions appear rather inconsistent; Consortia (like most libraries and users) are mainly oriented towards online access to current digital content; The consortia (and most libraries) have no clear strategies about the future of digital preservation.

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