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Country report for “Peste des Petits Ruminants(PPR).” Dr. Yousef S N S SH Al Azemi Head, Epidemiology & Zoonosis, Animal Health Department Public Authority.

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Presentation on theme: "Country report for “Peste des Petits Ruminants(PPR).” Dr. Yousef S N S SH Al Azemi Head, Epidemiology & Zoonosis, Animal Health Department Public Authority."— Presentation transcript:

1 Country report for “Peste des Petits Ruminants(PPR).” Dr. Yousef S N S SH Al Azemi Head, Epidemiology & Zoonosis, Animal Health Department Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources State of Kuwait

2 PPR outbreaks 2011-2015

3 Ongoing control measures  detection of clinical cases  isolation of affected animals  movement restrictions  collection of specimens for laboratory examination& diagnosis in the national laboratory  report and monitor illness  disposal of carcasses and disinfection  vaccination in response to outbreaks  public awareness

4 Ongoing control measures cont’d : Preventive measures  Bio security measures  importation of live animals in accordance with the OIE Terrestrial Code  Border posts security  monitor and control live animals market

5 Surveillance activities General surveillance :  Passive clinical surveillance to diagnose clinically subspecies cases  Most of the outbreaks clinically diagnosed  Representative samples submitted for laboratory examination  Due to possibility of mixed infection, laboratory confirmed cases considered as positive cases

6 Laboratory Diagnosis  AGID  Competitive ELISA(c.ELISA)  Immunocapture ELISA  Rapid detection for Antigen in nasal and conjunctival specimen  Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR)

7 Current control measures impact on PPR  not encouraging  Outbreaks occurs in each month in a year  Outbreaks causes direct losses due to mortality, abortion etc.,  Indirect losses not estimated

8 Difficulties encountered to control  some owners delay vaccination in response to outbreaks  delay in contact to VA by some owners during disease outbreaks  lack of diagnostic facilities some times

9 Future PPR control measures ( in compliance with the OIE/FAO International conference, 31 march- 2 April 2015, Côte d’ivoire, 2015)  PPR considered as top priority for prevention, diagnosis, control and eradication.  VS strengthened with updated legislations to improve compliance with the OIE standards on disease surveillance, early detection, and notification.  National control program, cooperate with regional international level.  Use of vaccines in compliance with the OIE standards, with compatible vaccination protocol.  safe vaccine, vaccinate all susceptible population, create flock immunity in the national herds.  Strengthen national diagnostic laboratory facilities, quality assurance, training, etc.  implement surveillance program for PPR in all susceptible species, understanding PPR variants circulation and its worldwide distribution.

10 Future PPR control measures (in compliance with OIE/FAO International conference, 31 march- 2 April 2015, Côte) d’ivoire, 2015)  attend the regional PPR road map meetings under the GF-TADs, continuous evaluation and monitoring of the PPR situation.  establishment or strengthening of regional epidemiology, laboratory and socio-economic network, Communication at national and regional level;  robust data management systems, conducting cost–benefit analyses.

11 Conclusions  The state of Kuwait willing to control PPR by continuing currently present control measures and,  By following the recommendations of OIE/FAO International conference, 31 march- 2 April 2015, Côte d’ivoire, 2015.

12 Thank you

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