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Problems in the German States Problems leading to 30 yrs. War 1555: Cuius Regio; Eius Religio Loss of Land to Protestant Princes The Counter Reformation.

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Presentation on theme: "Problems in the German States Problems leading to 30 yrs. War 1555: Cuius Regio; Eius Religio Loss of Land to Protestant Princes The Counter Reformation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Problems in the German States Problems leading to 30 yrs. War 1555: Cuius Regio; Eius Religio Loss of Land to Protestant Princes The Counter Reformation Phillip II and the Catholic League

2 Thirty Years War Bavaria = Catholic Stronghold Palatine = Protestant Stronghold

3 Thirty Years War Emperor of the Palatinate Converts the whole state to Calvinism Frederick III Angers Catholics Angers Lutherans Supported by Spain’s Enemies Dismisses the Eucharist Focus of the Catholic League Has the support of Spain Bavaria

4 Thirty Years War Strong Jesuit Influence Maximillien I = Catholic League Bavaria...vs... Frederick IV Calvinists... Palatine... Bavaria vs. Palatine 30 yrs. War will begin

5 Thirty Years War Bohemian Period Ferdinand III/Jesuits Educated Takes Away Protestant Freedoms Leads to the Defenestration of Prague!!!

6 “Defenestration of Prague” Is a City... Protestants react to Ferdinand... Prague “To throw out of the Window” Into the manure “Defenestrate” Catholic Regents Anti-Catholic Act Who got thrown?

7 Thirty Years War The HREmperor at this point...Ferdinand Catholic Bohemia...we have a Protestant rebellion against a Catholic Majority Spain supports Ferdinand. Bavaria is behind the Catholics... You will actually have a Lutherans against the Calvinists Most of this fight will center on gaining territory, not necessarily Religious Conversion.

8 Thirty Years War: Bohemian Period Ferdinand’s Army Lead by Tilly Bohemian Period Re-Catholicized Bohemia is... Supported by Spain Round 1 = Catholics Maximillien...

9 Thirty Years War: Danish Period We see a dangerous swing as Catholicism re- energizes the HREmpire This draws Protestant help from Denmark... But they are pushed back by the success of Maximillien... Remember Ferdinand III...Holy Roman Emperor...ardent Catholic? He uses the Mercenary Albrecht of Wallenstein to crush Denmark...

10 Thirty Years War: Key Moment... Ferdinand Issues it Reasserts 1555 Edict of Restitution All lands to be returned... To the Catholics Calvinism is Illegal Lutherans as well as Calvinists Galvanizes Protestants

11 Thirty Years War: Swedish Period Gustavus Adolphus – Lutheran Leader takes up the cause... Supported by French Cardinal Richelieu (Remember...anything Pro-French = Anti- Hapsburg = Spain) Supported by the Dutch (Remember the Spanish Campaigns in the Netherlands?)

12 Thirty Years War Remember Wallenstein? He was the one, the mercenary, who fought for the Catholics... Very successful... Ferdinand (Catholic HRE) has him assassinated!!! Why? Wallenstein was looking out for his own interests And, this shows you Ferdinand was focused not exactly on Religious issues.

13 Thirty Years War: Treaty of Westphalia Rescinds Edict of Restitution Re-asserts the Peace of Augsburg Calvinism is made legal Swiss Confederacy and United Provinces of the Netherlands are now Independent (both Protestant) France and Spain finally stop their fighting by 1559 Long-Term Impact???

14 Thirty Years War: Looking Ahead These German state remain fragmented. Central Europe will not have any real “states” for centuries later... While, in more Western Europe, centralized nation States like France and England will dominate the landscape for Centuries.

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