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Resources, Timeline & Contingency UCN CDR (Sept/2010)

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Presentation on theme: "Resources, Timeline & Contingency UCN CDR (Sept/2010)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resources, Timeline & Contingency UCN CDR (Sept/2010)

2 - Work Breakdown Structure - Timeline/Schedule - Human Resources & Manpower Profile - Capital Resources & Contingencies - Liquefier Recap Note: Canadian Funding Agencies (e.g. NSERC) strictly forbid the inclusion of contingency funding in grant requests. Explicit allocation of funds for contingency spending would not normally appear in budget tables. Outline

3 Project Phase WBS 2 Beamline WBS 2.1 Spallation Target WBS 2.2 Shielding Structure WBS 2.3 Helium Liquifier WBS 2.4 Installation WBS 2.6 Kicker Septum Dipole (1UB2) Quadrupoles Steering Magnets Beamline Layout Vacuum System Diagnostics Control System Services Shine Blockers Beamline H/W Target Monitors/Interlocks Remote Handling Overall Assembly Shielding Safety D 2 O He Liquifier Plant TRIUMF Parts Compressor Services Controls 2013 2014 2015 UCN Facility Project Work Breakdown Structure Level 3: Work Packages UCN Source WBS 2.5 Isopure Cryostat Heavy Ice Cryostat Neutron guides UCN bottle Moderator Level 2: Subsystems Pre-Project Phase WBS 1 UCN Facility

4 UCN Facility Project Work Breakdown Structure (Level 3: Work Packages) Dipole (1UB2) WBS 2.1.3 Specs, Design, Tender & Order WBS 1UB2 Magnet Fabrication WBS Vacuum Box WBS Power Supplies WBS Specify Review & finalize specs Prepare bids for vendors Bid time Place order Preliminary design Review Finish design Acceptance tests Ship & receive at TRIUMF Unpack Prepare for field mapping Field map 1UB2 Overall assembly Design Check dwgs Fabricate Assemble and prep. to install Specify Review Prepare tender docs Bid time Place order Fabricate (vendor) Acceptance tests (vendor) Ship & receive p/s at TRIUMF Checkout, hookup services, & prep for magnet tests Level 4: Deliverables Level 5: Tasks (on Resource-Loaded Schedule)

5 Resource-Loaded Schedule and WBS (Vijay Verma, Mark Keyzer) See Printouts for details

6 SHIELDING – Base Layer SHIELDING – Outer Layers HELIUM LIQUIFIER: UCN APPARATUS: Spallation Target Vacuum, Monitoring & Safety UCN Source (Install Japanese Parts) TRIUMF Parts Services Compressor Building Mods. Controls S + O + P O + P S+D+RF+I P + De + I S + D + R F + A S+R DO + FA+T IT S + D + R F + A I+T S + D + R O + P I I I A  Assemble B  Bids C  Concepts Cm  Commission D  Detail Design De  Development F  Fabricate I  Install O  Order P  Procure Pd  Production R  Review S  Specs T  Test UI  UnInstall Remove M11 & Replace Septum Remove 1BVB2 BL1A Temporary Shielding S + D + R I Remove M13, PIENU UI S+D+R+F+A UI+I UI BEAMLINE: Kicker Septum Dipole Quadrupoles. Power Supplies Remaining Beamline (Vac,Serv,Cntrl,Diag,Safety,B/L) ASSY/INSTALL & Commission S + D + R P S S A T F A I I I T P T P T A P + T O D F + A IT + Cm B/L REMOVAL & CLEAN-UP: Steering Magnets (8”) S + D F + A + T He Liquifier Plant S + R + O P + A + T S+D+R I Construction Design ARIEL B Layout of TRIUMF UCN Activity (Beam in 2015) Overview of Schedule

7 SHIELDING – Base Layer SHIELDING – Outer Layers HELIUM LIQUIFIER: UCN APPARATUS: Spallation Target Vacuum, Monitoring & Safety UCN Source (Install Japanese Parts) TRIUMF Parts Services Compressor Building Mods. Controls S + O + P O + P S+D+RF+I P + De + I S + D + R F + A S+R DO + FA+T IT S + D + R F + A I+T S + D + R O + P I I I A  Assemble B  Bids C  Concepts Cm  Commission D  Detail Design De  Development F  Fabricate I  Install O  Order P  Procure Pd  Production R  Review S  Specs T  Test UI  UnInstall Remove M11 & Replace Septum Remove 1BVB2 BL1A Temporary Shielding S + D + R I Remove M13, PIENU UI S+D+R+F+A UI+I UI BEAMLINE: Kicker Septum Dipole Quadrupoles. Power Supplies Remaining Beamline (Vac,Serv,Cntrl,Diag,Safety,B/L) ASSY/INSTALL & Commission S + D + R P S S A T F A I I I T P T P T A P + T O D F + A IT + Cm B/L REMOVAL & CLEAN-UP: Steering Magnets (8”) S + D F + A + T He Liquifier Plant S + R + O P + A + T S+D+R I Construction Design ARIEL B Layout of TRIUMF UCN Activity (Beam in 2015) Overview of Schedule Ariel construction  Aug/2011-Feb/2013 UCN Design during ARIEL Construction UCN (main) Construction after ARIEL Completion

8 UCN Manpower Requirements from RLS Breakdown by Group & Resource, in Person-Months

9 Load on Design Office Load on Machine Shop (Peaks in 2013) UCN “Rolled Up” Manpower Requirements Load on Mech.Techs (Peaks in 2014) Load on TRIUMF-based manpower peaks in 2013

10 UCN Manpower Profile 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Year FTE 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Outside Contractors (CFI) TRIUMF/CFI Manpower

11 UCN Manpower Funding Scenarios 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 FTE 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Year (Scenario 1)(Scenario 2) Outside Contractors (CFI) CFI-funded ManpowerTRIUMF Manpower Scenario 1: TRIUMF-CFI Matched Profile Funding Scenario 2: CFI Front-Loaded Funding

12 Positive Impacts of UCN at TRIUMF 17 FTE-years injected from CFI into TRIUMF - Mid 2011 – junior engineer  Project engineer - Late 2011 – designer - Mid 2012 – mechanical technician - Junior people hired to impact TRIUMF succession management Engagement of technical staff at TRIUMF (e.g. detector facilities) through new project Hardware opportunities for interested faculty and for training HQP. Future long-term physics program opportunities.

13 Capital Cost Estimates

14 Capital Resources Breakdown by item and funding sources (cash or in-kind) Capital Contributions for Liquefier

15 Contingency Summary of Human Resources Contingency Summary of Capital Resources Contingency

16 Helium Liquefier (Recap) UCN group recently engaged outside cryogenic consultant to examine options  A solution that satisfies both the needs of UCN and CMMS was identified. Costs may be reduced by importing an existing large KEK compressor (which KEK has allocated funds to refurbish and ship) and large buffer tanks. A new cold box will be required. Cost estimate for a new liquefier is $1.5M to $2M (includes cost for KEK to refurbish and ship compressor, and large buffer tanks). Since  SR liquid helium costs alone are $400k per year, new liquefier would pay for itself in one 5-year cycle (UCN funds are allocated to cover the first few years of operational costs). There is an additional cost of $700k for transfer lines and installation

17 The End

18 Risks & Mitigation: UCN Facility Kicker  Risetime problem (upgrade switches) Rep rate problem (extensive offline testing, upgrade components) Spallation Target  Cooling Leaks (consult RH techs) Mechanical Extraction UCN Source  Lower UCN rate (extensive testing in Japan) Cooldown problems (extensive testing in Japan) Liquefier  Budget & Schedule for new parts ASME recertification for old parts Space issues: Compressor size vs Annex space Manpower Issues  Priority Conflicts (UCN HR Contingency, Acsion, Staggering) Availability of Appropriate Skills (CFI manpower budget) Budget Issues  CFI, TRIUMF, Japan: Total and Cashflow Operational Phase Unforseen Cost Overruns (Flexibility of funding) Inflation & Currency Exchange

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