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Maths Workshop November 2013 Miss Solder. Aims To know about the key areas of Maths Discussion about helping children with Maths Resources Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Maths Workshop November 2013 Miss Solder. Aims To know about the key areas of Maths Discussion about helping children with Maths Resources Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maths Workshop November 2013 Miss Solder

2 Aims To know about the key areas of Maths Discussion about helping children with Maths Resources Questions

3 The 4 areas of Maths Problem solving Numbers and calculation Shape, space and measures Handling data

4 Problem solving Discuss the importance of mathematical vocabulary. Solving problems in everyday life – shopping, cooking etc. Thinking and Reasoning. Applying their maths skills.

5 Addition strategies – mental addition, jottings, number lines, partitioning, and the expanded method. Subtraction - mental subtraction, jottings, number lines and the expanded method Numbers and Calculations

6 Multiplication – mental methods, repeated addition, partitioning and grid method. Division- groups of, repeated subtraction, times table facts, chunking. Numbers and calculation cont.

7 Shape, space and measures Names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes including types of triangles, angles and nets and symmetry. Space- whole, half and quarter turns and directions. Measuring – length, weight, capacity, money, time, area, perimeter, angles.

8 Collecting and sorting information into tables, lists and graphs. Drawing and interpreting graphs. Interpreting the information by answering questions about it. Handling Data

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