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Title: Safety at Site Construction Group Members: LOQMAN HAKIM BIN HASULBULLAH (AA09199) SITI NORASHIKIN BT YUSOFF (AA09185) MOHD. AIZAD BIN JOHARI (AA09197)

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Presentation on theme: "Title: Safety at Site Construction Group Members: LOQMAN HAKIM BIN HASULBULLAH (AA09199) SITI NORASHIKIN BT YUSOFF (AA09185) MOHD. AIZAD BIN JOHARI (AA09197)"— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION Safety at Site Construction is the title we choose for the research analysis. Nowadays, a lot of media reports stating the rate of accidents at construction sites is at serious. Therefore, we take this topic as our study because it is associated with civil engineering as our major degree. Safety at Site must be taken seriously to avoid loss of many lives, to maintain quality of jobs, create a smart worker.

3 Objectives The Objectives of this research are: To investigate the factor that causes death at construction sites. To investigate the effectiveness of the current laws in regards to the safety equipment at the construction site.

4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY  The information used in this study is taken through the distribution of feedback questions from lecturers, staff and students at University Malaysia Pahang.  30 participants will be chosen randomly to answer 13 question.  After the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered, the percentage for the result will obtain.

5 RESULT & ANALYSIS  The graph describe that the reasons of accidents on site is that the workers are short of safety.  The highest reasons are spent on working instruction 14 respondents.  The construction industry showed that the factors that influence the occurrence of accidents are generally similar in these countries Cattledge (1996), Kartam (2000), Siu (2003), Tam (2004), Angela and Ines (2005), Macedo and Silva (2005), Aksorn and Hadikusumo (2008).

6  The graph above shows the main cause of accidents in the field is that the employee is the lack of safety knowledge.  Majority of the respondents prefer to agree with this statement  These findings based on analysis of Tam (2004), that found that lack of training and poor safety awareness on the part of the project manager is the main cause of high accident rates

7 The graph illustrates the safety personnel must have substantial knowledge of construction technology. The respondents have agree with that statement is highest while the strongly disagree is lowest. The finding is similar to the one found by Gervais (2003). In his study, Gervais found that the numbers of accidents occurring at construction site was related to several factors among which are lack of knowledge and experience of the workers on site.

8 From the graph analysis, the respondent have ever injured since they work in industry or company and they say ‘yes’ about five responder and say ‘no’ is about twenty five responder. The finding is similar study of the safety of the journal Research by Michael McCann found that heavy equipment and truck-related deaths at work sites excavation. In addition research note of Kopl M. Halperin, Michael McCann finds that an evaluation of scaffold safety at construction sites.

9 From the data received, 30 people have been answering questions, 20 were male and 10 were from women. The research question is given at random among the UMP (university Malaysia Pahang) students. Based studies have been conducted and compared with a literature review. There are no similarities between the studies by the number of gender who work on construction sites because it is random. No facts that support on questions related to the review because the question literature wanted only the percentage.

10 The above graph shows the number of respondents who gave answers based on questions of safety and health training is effective for them. Number of respondents who answered this question was 30. This question has two answers, yes or no. 29 people have answered ‘yes’, compared with a person who answered ‘no’. This shows that the questions were on target and the information received was useful. Based on studies carried out, there are similarities between the studies conducted by reviewing literature. Edwin, Shamil & Daniel (1999).

11 CONCLUSION In conclusion, all parties should be responsible for ensuring that all the problems and solutions can be resolved in the best way. Mutual tolerance and compassion are essential in the workplace environment that is challenging and dangerous. In addition, each worker must be sensitive to the environment and mutual trust among co-workers needs to be mutually protecting each other. Even though every day at a construction site accidents and damage will occur, this could also deducting a day in stages and gradually up to an average of accidents is extremely rare to happen in the future construction site.

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