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Basic statistical concepts and techniques Mean and variance Probability distribution, and statistical significance Harmonic analysis and power spectrum.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic statistical concepts and techniques Mean and variance Probability distribution, and statistical significance Harmonic analysis and power spectrum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic statistical concepts and techniques Mean and variance Probability distribution, and statistical significance Harmonic analysis and power spectrum White and red noise

2 How to compute the mean and variance of a time series mean is given by The variance is given by Time series are given by X 1, X 2 -----------X n, then the

3 Probability distribution The normal distribution--the bell curve

4 Probability distribution An non-normal distribution

5 Statistical significance The significance of a climate anomaly 38% 95%

6 The statistical significance of the warming of the last 20 years

7 Statistical significance The significance of a trend

8 Harmonic analysis A time-series may be decomposed into a set of harmonics

9 Harmonic analysis Power spectrum of a time series

10 Changes in the distribution

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