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Abiotic– non living Autotroph– organism that makes it’s own food (producers, plants) Biodiversity– number of different types of organisms in an area Biosphere–

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2 Abiotic– non living Autotroph– organism that makes it’s own food (producers, plants) Biodiversity– number of different types of organisms in an area Biosphere– all the land,air and water, whole earth

3 Biotic– living organisms Carnivore— eats only meat Carrying capacity– Maximum number of organisms an area can hold Community—living organisms and interactions in the same environment

4 Competition- the struggle between organisms for the same limited resources in a particular area Consumer- eats other organisms Decomposer-breaks down dead materials Ecological niche-the specific role played by an organism in an ecosystem

5 Ecological succession— the process of one community replacing another Ecology— the study of how living things interact Ecosystem— the living and nonliving things that interact in a given area Energy pyramid— diagram showing how food energy moves through the ecosystem Environment— all living and non living things that surround an organism

6 Finite— a supply that ends Food Chain— identifies the specific feeding relationships among organisms Food web— interconnected food chains Habitat— the place where an organism lives Herbivore— eats only plants

7 Heterotroph— cannot make its own food Host— organism in a parasitic relationship that provides a home and/or food for the parasite Limiting factors– factor that limits the size of a population Parasite– organism lives in or on a host organism Population– all the individuals of a single species that live in a specific area

8 Predator— hunts for food Prey— organism being eaten Producer— produces own food Scavenger— eats organisms that have already died


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