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12 GHz Stand alone power source. Provisional Klystron Parameters ParametersSpecificationsunitsObservations RF Frequency12 (11.4)GHz Peak RF power50 -75MW.

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Presentation on theme: "12 GHz Stand alone power source. Provisional Klystron Parameters ParametersSpecificationsunitsObservations RF Frequency12 (11.4)GHz Peak RF power50 -75MW."— Presentation transcript:

1 12 GHz Stand alone power source

2 Provisional Klystron Parameters ParametersSpecificationsunitsObservations RF Frequency12 (11.4)GHz Peak RF power50 -75MW RF gaindB Efficiency% RF pulse length1µs Pulse repetition rate100Hz Duty cycle% Klystron voltage 470 (Toshiba) 540 kVNominal voltage: kV Klystron current 250 (Toshiba) 360 ANominal current: A Inverse klystron voltagemaxkV Micro perveance 0.8 (Toshiba) 1.0 AV -1.5 Heater voltagemaxVNominal value between and V Heater currentmaxANominal value between and A, Heater start up surge currentmaxA Preheating period15 minmn Average collector powermaxkWA x kV x3.5 µs x 100 Hz Average output powermaxkW50 MW x 1.0 µs x100 Hz Average body and window power maxkW Peak RF drive powerW Output circuit VSWR1.5 max Pref < 1.8 MW, 4% of reflected power

3 Modulator Requirements 1 or 2 klystrons? Klystron 500kV/360A (1.0 µp) max Klystron 470kV/250A (0.8 µp) Toshiba catalogue 1 µs flat top 100 Hz Estimate single tube modulator 390 kEuro (+/-15%) Estimate twin tube modulator 600 kEuro (+/-15%) This is based on line type modulator with quotes from industry for 1.0 µp option Can specify modulator to be built for 1 klystron and upgradeable to pulse 2 (probably more expensive)

4 Proposed Installation area in CERN Preferably in the CLEX area There are two possibilities in CLEX – Zone A, old streak camera room in 2013 – Zone B, laser room in 2013 Zone A is 5.9m x 2.7m and would probably be okay for the single klystron option Zone B is 9.2m by 4.5m Another option is in Building 174 beside klystron storage and workshop area

5 Zone A or Zone B Positive – Could be used to power CLEX structure – Infrastructure for water cooling, controls etc – Test area directly below modulator in CTF2 Negative – Testing interrupted during access – No water during annual shutdown and maintenance to water stations – Size and handling difficulties (see next page) – For zone B laser needs to be removed to another area (already foreseen?)

6 1.8m 1.1m 1.6m 1.85m outside Elevator 2.4m height Klystron maintenance area with crane 100m CLEX-G Path to transport equipment from outside via elevator Path to transport klystron to maintenance area with crane 2.7m 5.9m 9.2m 4.5m Zone A Zone B

7 Building 174 Positive – More space, no size restriction on components of modulator (cheaper?) – Overhead crane – Test area could be constructed with concrete blockhouse – More test time availability Negative – Cant be used on CLEX facility – Need 30 degree water temperature stabalising

8 Additional costing Lead shielding of klystron Preparation of water cooling distribution Preparation of test area Concrete Blockhouse (B.174) 3 phase power requirements (TS/EL) Low level RF including klystron driver Waveguide network

9 Strategy Decide klystron parameters Decide on 1 or 2 klystron option Decide area to be used Finish modulator specification with respect to above decisions Order klystron(s) Price enquiry for modulator Cost analysis for infrastructure in area that is chosen Prepare test area in parallel to klystron and modulator orders Price enquiries for low level equipment necessary (“borrow” where possible equipment from SLAC?)

10 CERN Manpower and Material Requirements Procurement, installation commissioning of modulator and klystron with low level driver – 2 FTE Water stations – Material cost, outside contractor? Electrical supply – Material cost, outside contractor? Test area – Preparation, FSU – Concrete blockhouse, material plus transport service Operation of test facility – Probably be absorbed within CTF3 klystron operations for modulator and klystron – For 12 GHz structures?

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