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Earthquakes are generated at boundaries by the energy released by the passing of plates 1. What is the relationship between plate location and earthquake.

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2 Earthquakes are generated at boundaries by the energy released by the passing of plates 1. What is the relationship between plate location and earthquake generation?

3 Virgin Islands is on an active plate boundaries as a result there are many physical processes such as;  Tectonic activity =Earthquakes=Tsunamis  Volcanism  Subduction - A major physical process that has occurred because of the subduction zone is the formation of the Puerto Trench2  Mountain building  Sea floor spreading 1. 2.

4  Hurricanes  Flooding  Earthquakes  Tsunamis  Landslides

5 Residents should prepare by …  Knowing the proper evacuation procedure  Not placing heavy furniture or mirrors by the bed.  Know how to shut off gas valve at home.  Have emergency supplies ready to go.  Know where the nearest police and fire stations are.

6  Wear closed shoes in case of broken glass or debris  Expect aftershocks  Check for spills, fallen items and other hazards.  Check food and water supplies.

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