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Translation and Protein Synthesis Notes

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1 Translation and Protein Synthesis Notes

2 After transcription but before translation, mRNA leaves nucleus through nuclear pores and attaches to ribosomes in the cytoplasm

3 Translation Tranfer RNA (tRNA) reads the mRNA 3 letters at a time beginning with AUG (the start codon) 3 letters (nucleotides) in mRNA is a codon 3 letters (nucleotides) in tRNA is an anticodon

4 Translation tRNA brings the amino acid to the ribosome
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) joins the amino acids together with peptide bonds to form a protein Translation ends with a stop codon.

5 What does translation produce?
When you join amino acids together, you make PROTEINS! There are 20 different amino acids. Different sequences of amino acids make different proteins. The bond that holds amino acids together is a peptide bond.

6 What is protein synthesis?
It is how proteins are made. TWO MAJOR STEPS: Transcription (in nucleus) – produces mRNA Translation (in cytoplasm, at ribosomes) – produces proteins

7 Translation Practice mRNA codons: AUG AUU CGU tRNA anticodons: Amino acid:



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