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CX 3 Reassessment Year Orientation November 18, 2015 Presented by: Lynn Fuhrman Jeffery Rosenhall Betty Sun 1.

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Presentation on theme: "CX 3 Reassessment Year Orientation November 18, 2015 Presented by: Lynn Fuhrman Jeffery Rosenhall Betty Sun 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 CX 3 Reassessment Year Orientation November 18, 2015 Presented by: Lynn Fuhrman Jeffery Rosenhall Betty Sun 1

2 Presentation Outline Reassessment year info –What should be happening this year –2 day in-person training –How to prepare for the training Q&A We won’t be covering general CX 3 orientation (webinar recording from last year is available) Goal: –You know what you should be doing this year –You & your Project Director can use CX 3 assessment data to inform the FFY17-20 Integrated Work Plan (IWP) 2

3 Who is reassessing this year? Alameda Berkeley Contra Costa Fresno Humboldt Imperial Kern Lassen Merced 3 Monterey Orange Riverside San Diego San Francisco San Joaquin San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Tulare Ventura Yolo

4 Poll What was your role/level of involvement during the last CX 3 cycle? –I’ve been involved since 2012 (assessment year) and received survey training then –I started sometime after the data was collected and worked on the intervention –I’m fairly new to the CX 3 project 4

5 It’s the 5 th year of CX 3 for you Year 1 (FFY12): Assessment Year 2-3-4 (FFY13-15): Data sharing & selection of policy, systems, and environmental change (PSE) interventions, relationship building, conducting CX 3 -related PSE interventions, modifying the intervention as needed, reporting PSE progress using the RE-AIM indictors annually, and working to create healthier community food environments Year 5 (FFY16): Reassess the neighborhood/site, data sharing of Time1-Time2 comparisons, celebrate accomplishments, inform future NEOP program planning 5

6 Your next CX 3 cycle (4 year cycle) Year 1 (FFY16): Reassessment / Assessment Year 2-3-4 (FFY16-19): PSE work End of Year 4 (FFY19): Reassessment 6 1 3 4 5 2 12 3 4 FFY12-16 CX3 cycle FFY16-19 CX3 cycle

7 Defining terms Continuing neighborhoods Terminating neighborhoods New neighborhoods Work with your LHD team to think about where your current and future NEOP work (based on Portfolios) will be. 7

8 What should be happening this year Time1 to Time2 data comparison– what will you see? Share results widely Celebrate/acknowledge any successes –Use Communication Tools –Media –Present at collaborative & coalition meetings, resident town hall meetings 8

9 CX3 Communications Tools: Neighborhood Fact Sheet (Time 1 vs Time 2) 9

10 CX3 Communications Tools: Store Quality Scorecard 10

11 CX3 Elements: Community Brief 11

12 Webinars Communication templates Monthly check-in calls Trainings Tools and methods binder Link to document on CX 3 website: 12

13 CX 3 Reassessment Year – Training schedule One 2-day training –Day 1: On-the-ground survey training (stores, walkability, fast food) –Day 2: GIS Neighborhood Mapping and data entry training –Training locations, dates, and times Sacramento: January 28 and 29 (8:30am – 4:30pm) Kern: February 4 and 5 (8:30am – 4:30pm) Sacramento: February 18 and 19 (8:30am – 4:30pm) Riverside: March 3 and 4 (8:30am – 4:30pm) Shasta: March 10 and 11 (10:00am – 5:00pm) –2 staff may attend from each LHD –Registration coming soon 13

14 Using CX 3 for NEOPB program planning Consider assessing CX 3 neighborhoods now for formative assessment & program planning. Great timing for FFY17-20 planning! –Informing NEOP Portfolio work –Integrated Work Plans Connect with Tobacco Control Program to see where their Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community efforts are located Connect with other community food environment PSE efforts in your county Community involvement to meet their needs 14

15 For Continuing Neighborhoods Required: GIS mapping. NEW worksheets. Easier, more useful - hopefully Required: 3 core tools (Stores, Walkability around Store, Fast Food) Data sharing –Residents –Partners PSE intervention(s), as possible 15

16 For Terminating Neighborhoods (the ones you’re closing out) Only need to reassess in sites where you did PSE interventions to get a comparison score No need to do GIS neighborhood mapping or any other surveys –Although, you are welcome to do so to get more complete comparison data Thank community partners, as appropriate 16

17 What do you hope to see? What is success? Increase in site score Increase in the Retail Food Environment Index (RFEI, neighborhood level score) PSE Change Community Activation Strengthened ties with the community Stronger partnerships 17

18 How many CX3 neighborhoods and PSE projects should I have? No formal guidelines. Talk with your Project Officer. Link to Portfolio populations Suggested number of Neighborhoods –Small LHD = 3 – 5 neighborhoods surveyed –Medium LHD = 5 – 7 neighborhoods surveyed –Large LHD = 7 – 10 neighborhoods surveyed –X-Large LHD = 10+ neighborhoods surveyed 18

19 Use existing survey tool Everyone will use the existing survey tool –(So you have comparison data) Pilot testing new survey tools in FFY16 – any volunteers? 19

20 Data entry on your own You will be doing your own data entry –You’ll get your data sooner –Training provided at our in-person training –TA available from Lynn Please email inputted data to Lynn 20

21 Preparing for the Jan-March 2016 in-person trainings Talk with PD & LHD team –About Portfolio focus areas and populations. How can the CX 3 neighborhood mapping and food environment assessments help you with writing your IWP? (needs & formative assessments informing program planning) –Discuss with your team and community partners if you wish to continue working in the neighborhood, or if you wish to terminate…or if you wish to add new neighborhoods. Consider: what the data says, momentum with healthy community projects, relationships, local capacity / where your subcontractors are located, community interest, political will, opportunity…. Come with at least one continuing or new neighborhood clearly defined View the Intro to GIS webinar, be comfortable using Word and Excel Pick two staff to come to the in-person training 21

22 Poll Thinking about continuing/terminating/new neighborhoods, give us a sense of where you’re at: –I know what we’re doing with all/most of our neighborhoods –We have a few neighborhoods to still figure out –I don’t know, I’ll have to discuss this with my team 22

23 Poll Would you like to have the CX 3 surveys in an electronic format (e.g.: an app, or GoogleForm) –Yes, absolutely! –Yes, I’d consider it. –No, paper and pencil is easier logistically. 23

24 Q & A What questions do you have? Resources LINK to general CX 3 orientation – LINK to Intro to GIS – Link to the new GIS Neighborhood Mapping worksheets – g.aspx g.aspx 24

25 CX 3 State Team We’re Here to Help You! Lynn Fuhrman - NEOPB 916-552-9862, Jeffery Rosenhall - NEOPB 916-650-6891, Betty Sun – UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute 510-642-2910, CX 3 Website (just Google CDPH CX3)CX 3 Website 25

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