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Animals. Animals are Multicellular Eukaryotes Heterotrophic.

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Presentation on theme: "Animals. Animals are Multicellular Eukaryotes Heterotrophic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animals

2 Animals are Multicellular Eukaryotes Heterotrophic

3 Body Plans Radial: same all the way around. Like a wheel. Segmented: divided into segments. Bilateral: same on both sides. Has a front & back. Asymmetrical: no symmetry.

4 Radial

5 Segmented

6 Bilateral

7 Asymmetrical

8 Animals have Cells that make up Tissues that make up Organs that make up Organ Systems that make up Organism

9 Reproduction Most reproduce sexually But some can reproduce asexually Some animals provide parental care, but most do not

10 Animals are either Invertebrates: without a backbone OR Vertebrates: with a backbone

11 Invertebrates Largest group Ex. Sponges, jellyfish, anemones, coral, worms, mollusks, starfish, insects, spiders.

12 Vertebrates (aka Chordates) Notochord: a firm, flexible rod that provides support & stability Pharyngeal pouches: embryonic foundational tissues that develop into different structures Endoskeleton: an internal skeleton of bones, cartilage, or both.

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