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My Big Fat Greek Wedding An Analysis of Cultural Conflict.

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Presentation on theme: "My Big Fat Greek Wedding An Analysis of Cultural Conflict."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Big Fat Greek Wedding An Analysis of Cultural Conflict

2 Find your group number… Grou p 1 Grou p 2 Grou p 3 Grou p 4 Grou p 6 Grou p 5 Discuss the topic number that corresponds to your group’s number. Example: Group 1 will discuss Topic 1 FRONT OF ROOM DOORDOOR

3 Group Topics Group 1 – Communication 2 – Family Structure 3 – Traditions/Supers titions 4 – Education 5 – Gender Roles 6 – Parent/Child Relationships

4 Discuss with your group… What examples of conflict regarding your topic did you see in the film? Consider specific scenes, quotes, things that happened, characters impacted, etc. Each group member should share at least one conflict (go in a circle) Ex: Conflict with heritage Toula’s father’s ethnocentrism Toula struggles with liking her family’s Greek traditions Yaya hates the Turks because of past wars Ian’s mom didn’t understand that Greek and Guatemalan are very different

5 What is the meaning of the work as a whole? (theme) What are some of the main messages the film is trying to get across? Consider the topics listed earlier such as family, gender roles, cultural conflict, etc. Once your group has brainstormed a few, write a thematic statement on the whiteboard to review as a class – if someone write yours, come up with another one! No commands / cliché pinterest quotes!

6 And now for the fun part! Split your group into two groups (of 2 people MAX) Take out one sheet of paper per partner/trio Say goodbye to the other members of your table group…

7 Group Short Answer Prompt How does the film portray a cultural conflict regarding (your topic)? Explain its significance to the meaning of the work as a whole. Write your answer neatly on a sheet of paper. Make sure that each group member’s handwriting is on the page. Include 2 examples from the movie. Be sure to FULLY answer the question in your claim You will peer grade these looking for strength in the claim, evidence, reasoning, and conclusion

8 Sentence starter… CLAIM: The film “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” portrays conflict in _____________ through _____________ which shows _________________. 1 st blank…topic 2 nd blank…preview of evidence (be specific, but don’t give away the details of your evidence yet) 3 rd blank…theme

9 Scoring Guide Write your score at the bottom for each category Along with your numeric score, write a rationale for WHY you gave that score C: E1: E2: R: CS: When finished, total your points at the bottom (out of 50)

10 Peer Grading Scale 10: Exemplary…This is above and beyond what is expected and not only completes the task but shows strong writing skills. 8 – 9: Good…Completes the task and does it well! 7 – 8: Satisfactory…it’s there, but it isn’t anything amazing and probably needs some more work. 5 – 6: Needs improvement…the task is attempted but does not fully meet expectations. 1 – 4: The task is not attempted nor completed. [For Claim, Ev 1, Ev 2, Reasoning, and Conclusion]

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