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CharactersCourtAccusationsQuotesMisc. 10 20 30 40 50.

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1 CharactersCourtAccusationsQuotesMisc. 10 20 30 40 50

2 Who is an orphan and saw her parents killed next to her ….

3 Who is pressed to death?

4 Who is greedy, wanting golden candlesticks in the church and is very concerned about his reputation in the village?

5 Who is sent to Tituba to find out who murdered her 7 dead siblings?

6 When Abby feels there is too much pressure on her after being called a whore, what does she claim to see?

7 Who is called into court to testify whether John and Abby really had an affair? Why are they called into court?

8 Whom does Giles Corey accuse of using his daughter to make false accusations against others?

9 What does Francis Nurse bring to court to prove that his wife Rebecca, Martha, and Elizabeth, are all good Christians?

10 In order to prove that Mary is telling the truth that the girls are frauds, what is it suggested she do in court? (or at least pretend it?

11 When Mary Warren feels peer pressure for trying to tell the truth in court, whom does she end up accusing of witchcraft?

12 When Abby feels as though she is going to get in trouble for dancing in the woods, whom does she blame for bewitching her?

13 What object found in the Proctor house appears to be evidence to prove that Elizabeth really is a witch who tried to hurt Abby?

14 Who is accused of the supernatural death of Ann Putnam’s babies?

15 What other accused witch refuses to confess and so dies with John and Rebecca?

16 Who says this: “Abby, I may think of you softly from time to time, but I will cut off my hand before I will reach for you again.”

17 Who says this: “Now John, If it were not Abigail what you must go to hurt would you falter now? I think not.”

18 Who is this about: “Pontius Pilate: God will not let you wash your hands of this!”

19 Who is this about: “In her life sir, she has never lied.”

20 Who says this: “Now hear me child. You must know there is a faction In this church sworn to drive me from my pulpit… They will destroy me if my own house turns out to be the center of some obscene practice!”

21 Shortly after Betty falls ill, John and Abby meet. Abby tells John she loves him still. How does John react?

22 In one scene, Abby is stabbed with a needle. According to Abby, how did it get there? We know the truth: how did it really get there?

23 What is so important about the fact that John calls Abby a whore in court? (What is he admitting to?)

24 What is one sign that Betty Parris shows that supposedly proves she is bewitched?

25 When Rev. Hale visits the Proctors after many people have been accused, he wants to know if they are good Christians. What does he ask John to recite as a test?

26 Why does John Proctor rip up his confession?

27 Abigail

28 Giles Corey

29 Rev. Parris

30 Ruth Putnam

31 A Yellow Bird – Mary Warren sending her spirit.

32 Elizabeth – she never lies.

33 Thomas Putnam

34 Petition – signed by neighbors – 91 signatures

35 Faint

36 John Proctor

37 Tituba

38 Poppet

39 Rebecca Nurse

40 Martha Corey

41 John Proctor

42 Elizabeth

43 Rev. Hale

44 Elizabeth

45 Rev. Parris

46 He doesn’t want her anymore. He’s sooner cut off his hand than reach for her again.

47 According to Abby – Elizabeth’s witchcraft is to blame. Abby really stabbed herself.

48 He confesses to adultery.

49 Cannot bear to hear the Lord’s Name (Prayer)

50 Ten Commandments

51 Honor He does not want to ruin his name for his sons.

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