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By:Sydnee Rowsell.  Live in Australia  Live in the state of Queensland  They live in trees  Live in eucalyptus forests.

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Presentation on theme: "By:Sydnee Rowsell.  Live in Australia  Live in the state of Queensland  They live in trees  Live in eucalyptus forests."— Presentation transcript:

1 By:Sydnee Rowsell

2  Live in Australia  Live in the state of Queensland  They live in trees  Live in eucalyptus forests

3  grey and white  Soft thick fur  White trimmed ears  Large round nose  9 to 33 pounds

4  Claws to get the eucalyptus leaves  Has a keen nose to smell the kinds of eucalyptus leaves that it likes  Marks the tree with a scent from a gland on its’ chest  Has a pouch to hold its baby  Has a multi-purpose paws

5  They eat eucalyptus leaves  It is a herbivore  Dingoes and goanna lizards eat them  At night they eat in a tree  Eat 35 eucalyptus leaves

6  Its nose can pick out different eucalyptus leaves  The koalas cousin is a marsupials  Koalas rarely have twins  A koala baby before it is born it lives in it mother for 35 days  Australia is the only place to find koalas in the wild

7  Making big malls and some spaces we do not need  Keeping fire burning  Making roads on their habitat

8  Macleod, Elizabeth. Koalas.  Stone, M. Lynn. Koalas.

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