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Doc.: 11-09-0720-02 Submission July 2009 D. Stanley (Aruba), B.Kraemer (Marvell) Slide 1 P802.11v Report to EC on Conditional Approval to go to Sponsor.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: 11-09-0720-02 Submission July 2009 D. Stanley (Aruba), B.Kraemer (Marvell) Slide 1 P802.11v Report to EC on Conditional Approval to go to Sponsor."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: 11-09-0720-02 Submission July 2009 D. Stanley (Aruba), B.Kraemer (Marvell) Slide 1 P802.11v Report to EC on Conditional Approval to go to Sponsor Ballot Date: 2009-07-16 Authors:

2 doc.: 11-09-0720-02 Submission July 2009 D. Stanley (Aruba), B.Kraemer (Marvell) Slide 2 Introduction This document contains the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee in support of a request for conditional approval to send IEEE P802.11v to Sponsor Ballot. This document (11-09/0720r1) was approved during the closing plenary session of the 802.11 working group on July 17, 2009. –Passed in the Task Group 8-0-3 –Passed in the Working Group

3 doc.: 11-09-0720-02 Submission July 2009 D. Stanley (Aruba), B.Kraemer (Marvell) Slide 3 TGv draft text stability 0 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 Jan-07Jul-07Jan-08Jul-08Jan-09Jul-09 # pages 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 AP MIB added 6.0

4 doc.: 11-09-0720-02 Submission July 2009 D. Stanley (Aruba), B.Kraemer (Marvell) Slide 4 802.11 WG Letter Ballot Results – P802.11v Ballot ID Ballot Close Date TitleBallot TypePoolReturn%ReturnAbstain % Abstain Appr ove Disap prove %Appro ve 14019 Dec 2008 Technical Letter Ballot for Task Group-v Draft 4.0 Technical25422588.584017.781493680.54 1464 Apr 2009 Recirculation Letter Ballot for Task Group-v Draft 5.0 Recirculati on 25422889.764117.981553282.88 15012 Jun 2009 Second Recirculation Ballot for Task Group-v Draft 6.0 Recirculati on 25423090.553816.101722089.58 150. 1 15Jul 09 Second Recirculation Ballot for Draft 6.0 Post ballot results Recirculati on 25423090.553816.101741890.6

5 doc.: 11-09-0720-02 Submission July 2009 D. Stanley (Aruba), B.Kraemer (Marvell) Slide 5 802.11 WG Letter Ballot Comments – P802.11v Ballot ID Ballot Close Date TitleBallot Type Number of Comments received 14019 Dec 2008Technical Letter Ballot for Task Group-v Draft 4.0 Technical586 (418T, 168E) 1464 Apr 2009Recirculation Letter Ballot for Task Group-v Draft 5.0 Recirculation321 (225T, 96E) 15012 Jun 2009Second Recirculation Ballot for Task Group-v Draft 6.0 Recirculation140 (93T, 47E)

6 doc.: 11-09-0720-02 Submission July 2009 D. Stanley (Aruba), B.Kraemer (Marvell) Slide 6 Unsatisfied comments by commenter VoterLB140LB146LB150Total Joe Epstein33 Lusheng Ji11 David Bagby11 William Marshall88 Henry Ptasinski426 Robert Miller11 Mark Hamilton11 Harry Worstell11 Richard Roy448 Qi Wang11 Gabor Bajko33 Matthew Fischer22 Darwin Engwer112 Graham Smith22 Total2510540

7 doc.: 11-09-0720-02 Submission July 2009 D. Stanley (Aruba), B.Kraemer (Marvell) Slide 7 Unsatisfied Comments – Topics Topic#Comments Diagnostics, Event, and STA Statistics5 Directed Multicast and Flexible Multicast Service5 Location8 Time Advertisement1 Timing Measurement1 AP Collaboration4 Patents1 Multiple BSSID6 QOS Traffic Capability2 Scope6 Optional/Mandatory1 Total40

8 doc.: 11-09-0720-02 Submission July 2009 D. Stanley (Aruba), B.Kraemer (Marvell) Slide 8 Unsatisfied comments The composite of all unsatisfied comments and the resolutions approved during working group ballot may be found in document: 11-09-0676-06, a copy of this is attached. –Double click on the icon to the right to open this. A copy of the unsatisfied comments presented using MyBallot access database report format is attached. –Double click on the icon to the right to open this.

9 doc.: 11-09-0720-02 Submission July 2009 D. Stanley (Aruba), B.Kraemer (Marvell) Slide 9 TGv Timeline Third recirculation (TGv draft 7.0) Open 24-Jul-09 Close 8-Aug-09 Clean recirculation (TGv draft 7.0)25-Sep-0910-Oct-09 Pool formation15-Aug-0929-Sep-09 First sponsor ballot19-Oct-0918-Nov-09 Second sponsor ballot3-Feb-1018-Feb-10 Third sponsor ballot30-Mar-1015-Apr-10 Fourth sponsor ballot15-May-10 30-May-10 EC to RevCom Mar-10 (cond.) or Jul-10 RevCom to SBJun-10 or Sep-10

10 doc.: 11-09-0720-02 Submission July 2009 D. Stanley (Aruba), B.Kraemer (Marvell) Slide 10 802.11 EC Motion – Conditional Approval to send P802.11v to Sponsor Ballot Grant conditional approval, under Clause 13 to forward P802.11v to Sponsor Ballot. P802.11v had a 89.58% approval on the last WG Recirculation Ballot. Working Group 11 vote on the Motion Passed: y, n, a Moved: Bruce Kraemer 2 nd : –Yes No Abstain

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