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Numerical Expressions

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Presentation on theme: "Numerical Expressions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Numerical Expressions

2 Translating Word Phrases into Numerical Expressions
Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division plus minus times divided sum difference product of quotient more than less multiplied per increased by subtract each rate in all decreased by of ratio total less than factors separate

3 Translate these word phrases into numerical expressions:
eleven more than fifteen or four less than eighteen 18 – 4 not $20 per month for 5 months 20 • 5 or 5 • 20

4 Order of Operations Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
Parentheses – work inside grouping symbols first Exponents Multiply and Divide from left to right Add and Subtract from left to right

5 Evaluate the following numerical expressions:
18 ÷ 3 • 2 = 6(2 + 9) – 3 • 8 = 4[ (15 – 9) + 8(2) ] = 4) 56 ÷ (7 • 2) • 6 =

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